Une banque fourragère multi-espèces comme option intelligente face au climat pour l’amélioration de la nutrition du bétail dans le nord du Ghana

Description de projet
Ce projet est mis en œuvre dans l’optique d'améliorer la disponibilité fourragère et la qualité nutritionnelle des ruminants pendant les périodes sèches dans les villages climato-intelligents du Ghana.
Le développement d'une banque fourragère multispécifique qui concentre les espèces avec des herbes, des herbes et des légumineuses fourragères à croissance rapide a été identifié comme une opportunité pour assurer une production et une disponibilité durables de fourrage toute l'année. Les banques de fourrage ont été diagnostiquées comme une approche innovante pour améliorer la nutrition du bétail pendant les saisons sèches et la période de pénurie de fourrage.
- Établir une banque de fourrage multi-espèces avec les agriculteurs pour démontrer l'efficacité de la production animale intelligente face au climat
- Évaluer la productivité saisonnière du fourrage pour accentuer les implications sur l'alimentation du bétail
- Évaluer le stockage du carbone dans le sol sous l'influence de la banque fourragère
- Évaluer les aspects économiques de la création d'une banque fourragère multiespèces
Résultats attendus
- Une banque fourragère multispécifique est adoptée par les eleveurs comme une option viable pour une meilleure nutrition du bétail
- Les capacités des agriculteurs dans la création et la gestion de banques fourragères est renforcée
- Productivité saisonnière de la biomasse fourragère au CSV est reconnue pour la prise de décision sur les meilleures options d'amélioration des aliments pour animaux
- L'importance économique de la banque fourragère est déterminée à éclairer les besoins d'investissement locaux
Le projet est dirigé par le CCAFS en collaboration avec l'Institut international de recherche sur les cultures des régions tropicales semi-arides (ICRISAT) et le Conseil de la recherche scientifique et industrielle - Institut de Recherche Animale du Ghana (CSIR-ARI)
Pour plus d'informations
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter: Robert B. Zougmoré (r.zougmore@cgiar.org) et Franklin Avornyo (favornyo@yahoo.com)
Project Deliverables
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Formulation of a Robust National Rural Sector Program in Burkina Faso: What new themes have emerged from the socio-economic and climate scenarios process?
Discussion paper/Working paper/White paper
Candidate fodder species for goat production in Northern Ghana
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Developing climate-smart agriculture to face climatic variability and extremes in West Africa: challenges and lessons
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Why promote improved fallows as a climate-smart agroforestry technology in Sub-Saharan Africa?
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Uptake of Climate-Smart Agriculture in West Africa: What can we learn from climate-smart villages of Ghana, Mali and Niger?
Factsheet, Project Note
West Africa Climate-Smart Villages AR4D sites: 2016 Inventory
Concept note
Developing bankable proposals for submition to green climate funds
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Climate-smart agriculture in Benin
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Climate-smart agriculture in Niger
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Climate-smart agriculture in Cote d'lvoire
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Climate-smart agriculture in The Gambia
Book chapter
Climate information use implications for climate risk mitigation in West Africa
Book chapter
Adaptation Processes in Agriculture and Food Security: Insights from Evaluating Behavioral Changes in West Africa. In Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development
Book chapter
Techniques traditionnelles de restauration de la productivité des sols dégradés en régions semi-arides d’Afrique occidentale
Funder report
Climate information services for increased resilience and productivity in Senegal (CINSERE): Annual Performance report
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Climate Information Services: Evidence from Cowpea and Sesame Producers in Northern Burkina Faso
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Editorial for the Thematic Series in Agriculture & Food Security: Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies in West Africa: learning from the ground AR4D experiences
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Factors affecting uptake (use) of seasonal forecast information in northern Ghana – a gendered perspective
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
An assessment of mobile phone-based dissemination of weather and market information in the Upper West Region of Ghana
Gender Differentiated Perception and Adaptation Strategies of Cowpea Growers to Climate Change and Variability in Segou Region, Mali
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Facing climate variability in Sub-Saharan Africa: analysis of climate-smart agriculture opportunities and approaches to managing climate-related risks
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Mapping regional livelihood benefits from local ecosystem services assessments in rural Sahel
Artisanal Fisheries Weather Support (USAID / CINSERE training manual)
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Different Land-Use Systems: A Case Study of CO2 in the Southern Zone of Ghana
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Different Land-Use Systems: A Case Study of CO2 in the Southern Zone of Ghana
Climate Products and Services (USAID / CINSERE training manual)
Seasonal Precipitation Forecast (USAID / CINSERE training manual)
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Facilitating Change for Climate-Smart Agriculture through Science-Policy Engagement
Direct Reading Rainfall (USAID / CINSERE training manual)
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Mainstreaming gender and social differentiation into CCAFS research activities in West Africa: lessons learned and perspectives
User manual/Technical Guide
Climate Change (USAID / CINSERE training manual)
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Gender and climate risk management: evidence of climate information use in Ghana
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Institutional Perspectives of Climate-Smart Agriculture: A Systematic Literature Review
User manual/Technical Guide
Methodological Guide: Participatory Community Method of Inventory and Prioritization of Climate-Smart Farming-Agroforestry Technologies / Practices in Agriculture
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Climate Information Services: Evidence from Cowpea and Sesame Producers in Northern Burkina Faso
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Farmers' prioritization and adoption of climate-smart agriculture technologies and practices in Niger
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Farmers' prioritisation and adoption of climate-smart agriculture technologies and practices in Senegal
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Closing the Gap between Climate Information Producers and Users: Assessment of Needs and Uptake in Senegal
Towards adaptation planning to climate change in the Sudanian zone of Mali: analysis of vulnerability and choice of adaptation options
Data paper
CCAFS midline synthesis report - Ghana
Evaluating the Costs and Benefits of Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies and Practices in Climate-Smart Villages in Kaffrine, Senegal
Discussion paper/Working paper/White paper
Documentation, nutritional profiling and testing of fodder trees or shrubs for climate-smart livestock production in West Africa
User manual/Technical Guide
Use of Climate Information in Mali-Technical Manual for Public and Private Rural Development Officers
Discussion paper/Working paper/White paper
Science-policy interactions for accelerated Climate-Smart Agriculture uptake: lessons learnt from West African national science-policy dialogue platforms
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
A Public-private partnership model for scaling up climate information services (CIS) in Ghana
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Factors influencing the access to and use of climate information services CIS for men and women farmers in Senegal
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Science-policy interfaces for sustainable climatesmart agriculture uptake: lessons learnt from national science-policy dialogue platforms in West Africa
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Le Projet d'Appui à la Résilience Climatique pour un Développement Agricole Durable (PARC-DAD) au Niger est-il suffisamment climato-intelligent ? Résultats-des-analyses-participatives-des-projets terrain du PARC-DAD au Niger
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Assessing the Climate-Smartness of the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme (WAAPP): What can we learn from Benin, Guinea, Niger, Togo and Chad projects?
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Scaling up climate information services through public-private partnership business models
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Assessing the decisions taken following the reception of CIS to inform farming practices in Senegal
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Science-policy interfaces for sustainable climatesmart agriculture uptake: lessons learnt from national science-policy dialogue platforms in West Africa
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Uptake of Climate-Smart Agricultural Technologies and Practices: Actual and Potential Adoption Rates in the Climate-Smart Village Site of Mali
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Factors influencing gendered access to climate information services for farming in Senegal
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Applying an indirect method for estimating and modelling the aboveground biomass and carbon for wood energy in the arid ecosystems of Aϊr Tenéré of Niger
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Perceived Climate Variability and Farm Level Adaptation in the Central River Region of The Gambia
Discussion paper/Working paper/White paper
Science-policy interactions for climate-smart agriculture uptake: lessons learnt from national science-policy dialogue platforms in West Africa
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Contribution of systems thinking and complex adaptive system attributes to sustainable food production: Example from a climate-smart village
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Climate-Smart Agriculture in Cabo Verde
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Can Protection Motivation Theory Explain Farmers’ Adaptation to Climate Change Decision Making in The Gambia?
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Climate-Smart Agriculture in Guinea-Bissau
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Perceived Climate Variability and Farm Level Adaptation in the Central River Region of The Gambia
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Climate-Smart Agriculture in Adamawa state of Nigeria
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Climate-Smart Agriculture in Borno state of Nigeria
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Climate-Smart Agriculture in Yobe state of Nigeria
Policy brief/policy note/briefing paper
Climate-Smart Agriculture in Seychelles