Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study

Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study

To prepare for climate change-related disasters, many institutions are now addressing changing climate within their mandates at the global and local levels. While these efforts are useful, relevant knowledge solutions generated by these efforts are scattered and generally inaccessible. In addition, this fragmented body of knowledge needs to be organized, packaged, and shared in formats understandable to and replicable by various users. It is in this context that the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) is building up a Knowledge Center on Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management in Southeast Asia (KC3).

KC3 features SEARCA’s Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Southeast Asia (CChAMSEA) Framework to provide quick and easy access to knowledge resources on climate change adaptation in agriculture and natural resources in Southeast Asia, a one-stop-shop of information through an online portal of media materials, dynamic exchange of science-based knowledge solutions and good practices, opportunities for graduate scholarship, research and development, short-term training, and policy advocacy, and a contacts database of climate change community members.

KC3 aims to contribute to strengthening the capacity of Southeast Asians in climate change adaptation, specifically within the domains of agriculture and natural resource management.

The knowledge resources harvested by KC3 will be a good basis for policymakers, researchers, development workers, media, and farming/fishing communities in engaging in policy formulation or in discussing and determining policy-related interventions needed on climate change adaptation.

CCAFS is one of KC3's climate change adaptation partners.