Pramod Aggarwal
Prof. Pramod Aggarwal holds a Ph.D. in Life Sciences from the University of Indore, India, another Ph.D. from Wageningen University, the Netherlands, and a M.Sc. in Botany from University of Delhi, India. He currently leads the Asia Regional Program for the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Aggarwal was the Coordinating Lead Author for the chapter 'Food, Fiber, and Forest Products' of the Fourth Assessment Report (2007) of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change. He was a Review Editor for the IPCC 5th Assessment Report.
Before joining CCAFS, he was National Professor at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi and Coordinator of the Indian network on climate change and agriculture.
He did his post-doctoral in the mid-eighties at the International Rice Research Institute, Philippines on sustainability of upland rice farming and crop diversification. He returned to work at IRRI again during 1994-96 as SARP Coordinator and helped many scientists in Asia to learn quantitative techniques in agriculture
Aggarwal's research contributions include developing crop growth models for the tropical environments, impact assessment of climatic variability and climate change on crops, characterizing risks of yield loss for developing weather derivatives, adaptation strategies, inventories of greenhouse gases emissions, mitigation options, yield gap analysis, genotype by environment by management interactions, yield forecasting, and yield loss assessment due to pests.
He is a member of the Editorial Boards of several Journals and a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, India and National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India.
For his contributions, Aggarwal was awarded Ernestoilly Trieste Science Prize for the year 2009 by the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS), Italy and a Young Scientist Medal by the Indian National Science Academy in 1983.
Some recent publications
Naresh Kumar S, Govindakrishnan PM, Swaroopa Rani DN, Chauhan N, Surabhi J, Aggarwal PK. 2015. Assessment of impact of climate change on potato and potential adaptation gains in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India. International Journal of Plant Production 9(1):151-170.
Naresh Kumar S, Aggarwal PK, Uttam K, Surabhi J, Swaroopa Rani DN, Xhauhan N, Saxena R. 2014. Vulnerability of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czernj. Cosson) to climate variability and future adaptation strategies. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies to Global Change.
Naresh Kumar S, Aggarwal PK, Swaroopa Rani DN, Saxena R, Chauhan N, Surabhi J. 2014. Vulnerability of wheat production to climate change in India. Inter-Research Climate Research 59(3):173-187.
Ortiz R, Jarvis A, Fox P, Aggarwal PK, Campbell BM. 2014. Plant genetic engineering, climate change and food security. CCAFS Working Paper no. 72. Copenhagen, Denmark:CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Asseng S, Ewert F, Martre P, Rötter RP, Lobell DB, Cammarano D, Kimball BA, Ottman MJ, Wall GW, White JW, Reynolds MP, Alderman PD, Prasad PVV, Aggarwal PK, Anothai J, Basso B, Biernath C, Challinor AJ, De Sanctis G, Doltra J, Fereres E, Garcia-Vila M, Gayler S, Hoogenboom G, Hunt LA, Izaurralde RC, Jabloun M, Jones CD, Kersebaum KC, Koehler AK, Müller C, Naresh Kumar S, Nendel C, O’Leary G, Olesen JE, Palosuo T, Priesack E, Eyshi Rezaei E, Ruane AC, Semenov MA, Shcherbak I, Stöckle C, Stratonovitch P, Streck T, Supit I, Tao F, Thorburn PJ, Waha K, Wang E, Wallach D, Wolf J, Zhao Z, Zhu Y. 2014. Rising temperatures reduce global wheat production. Nature Climate Change 5:143-147.
Islam A, Shirsath PB, Naresh Kumar S, Subash N, Sikka AK, Aggarwal PK. 2014. Modeling Water Management and Food Security in India under Climate Change. In: Ahuja LR, Ma L, Lascano RJ, (Eds.). 2014. Practical Applications of Agricultural System Models to Optimize the Use of Limited Water. Advances in Agricultural Systems Modeling 5. p. 267–316. American Society of Agronomy, Inc., Crop Science Society of America, Inc., and Soil Science Society of America, Inc.
Campbell BM, Kinyangi J, Nersisyan A, Leigh RA, Dibb-Leigh JA, Zougmoré RB, Seré S. Aggarwal PK, Hoefner P. 2013. Perspectives: Legislating change. Nature 501:S12–S14.
Asseng S, Ewert F, Rosenzweig C, Jones JW, Hatfield JL, Ruane AC, Boote KJ, Thorburn PJ, Rötter RP, Cammarano D, Brisson N, Basso B, Marthe P, Aggarwal PK, Angulo C, Bertuzzi P, Biernath C, Challinor AJ, Doltra J, Gayler S, Goldberg R, Grant R, Heng L, Hooker J, Hunt LA, Ingwersen J, Izaurralde RC, Kersebaum KC, Müller C, Naresh Kumar S, Nendel C, O`Leary G, Olesen JE, Osborne TM, Palosuo T, Priesack E, Ripoche D, Semenov MA, Shcherbak I, Steduto P, Stöckle C, Stratonovitch P, Streck T, Supit I, Tao F, Travasso M, Waha K, Wallach D, White JW, Williams JR, Wolf J. 2013. Uncertainty in simulating wheat yields under climate change. Nature Climate Change 3:827-832.
Naresh Kumar S, Aggarwal PK, Saxena R, Swaroopa R, Surabhi J, Chauhan n. 2013. An assessment of regional vulnerability of rice to climate change in India. Climatic Change 118(3-4):683–699.
Naresh Kumar S, Aggarwal PK. 2013. Climate change and coconut plantations in India: Impacts and potential adaptation gains. Agricultural Systems 117:45-54.
Hebbar KB, Venugopalan MV, Prakash AH, Aggarwal PK. 2013. Simulating the impacts of climate change on cotton production in India. Climatic Change 118(3-4):701-713.
Aggarwal PK, Pathak H, Kumar SN, Sharma P. 2013. South Asia perspectives on climate change and agriculture: adaptation options. In: Hillel D, Rosenzweig C, eds. Handbook of climate change and agroecosystems: global and regional aspects and implications. ICP Series on Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigation: Volume 2. London, United Kingdom: Imperial College Press. p. 209-222
Aggarwal PK, Palanisami K, Khanna M, Kakumanu KR. 2012. Climate change and food security of India: Adaptation strategies in the irrigation sector. World Agriculture 3: 20-26.
Misselhorn A, Aggarwal PK, Ericksen P, Gregory P, Phathanothai L, Ingram JC, Wiebe K. 2012. A vision for attaining food security. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4(1):7-17.
Vermeulen SJ, Aggarwal PK, Ainslie A, Angelone C, Campbell BM, Challinor AJ, Hansen JW, Ingram JSI, Jarvis A, Kristjanson P, Lau C, Nelson GC, Thornton PK, Wollenberg E. 2012. Options for support to agriculture and food security under climate change. Environmental Science and Policy 15(1):136-144.