Rathana Peou
Dr. Rathana Peou joined the CCAFS scenarios team in 2012, originally as the Scenarios Coordinator for South Asia, but has moved and now serves as the Southeast Asia Regional Scenarios Coordinator.
She currently sits in different major advisory boards of the region as the one of Food Security for Aids and International Development Forum as well as on the Asia Pacific Migration Environment Network (APMEN). She has also joined the advisory board of the Minister of Commerce of Cambodia where she is based.
She is a visiting Professor and a visiting researcher at the Bangladesh Center of Advanced Studies (BCAS) as well as a fellow at the International Research Center on Sustainability (University of Reims) and IDDRI (SciPo Paris). She holds a PhD in Political Science majoring in Philosophy and a minor in Arabic and a Master's degree in Political Science and Philosophy.
Dr. Rathana's research interests lies in the "4 inviolate principles": food security, water security, energy security and social "health" security. Dr. Rathana has been researching on climate induced migration in Bangladesh and as well the weight of remittance on local development and “ maladaptation”. Her current research lies on the futures of Food Security, Agriculture and Climate Change in the ASEAN countries and how multi-stakeholders socio-economic scenarios could open policy dialogue and guide Climate Smart Investment.
Prior to joining the CCAFS team she worked for 3 years in Bangladesh where she was the deputy director of the Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) and an associate professor ULAB. Before 2009, Rathana worked as an international consultant and humanitarian workers in Sudan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. She has worked with and consulted for agencies such as DFID, USAID, ECHO, DIPECHO, AFD, EU, ADB and different INGOs and NGOs developing guideline of reporting and program evaluation in humanitarian crisis countries.