
Four seasons maize yield experiment on tillage and fertilizer options in Tanzania

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This poster presents key results from the Bringing Climate-Smart Agriculture practices to scale: assessing their contributions to narrow nutrient and yield gaps project under the CCADS Low-Emissions Development Flagship.


Mtakwa PW, Hijbeek R, van Loon MP, Urio NA, Mtakwa AP, Brentrup F, Tibezukwa G, ten Berge HFM, van Ittersum MK. 2021. Four seasons maize yield experiment on tillage and fertilizer options in Tanzania. Infographic. Wageningen, The Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • Mtakwa, Peter W.
  • Hijbeek, Renske
  • van Loon, Marloes P.
  • Urio, Ndelilio A.
  • Mtakwa, Alpha P.
  • Brentrup, Frank
  • Tibezukwa, George
  • ten Berge, Hein F.M.
  • van Ittersum, Martin K.