
How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict in Sudan? An econometric analysis

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This factsheet gives answers on how climate exacerbates root causes of conflict in Sudan, using a two-stage econometric approach. The findings show that food insecurity is the mechanism through which climate change influences conflict. In other words, climate change indirectly exacerbates conflict by adversely affecting food security.

This publication is part of a factsheet series reporting on the findings of the CGIAR FOCUS Climate Security Observatory work in Africa (Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe). The research is centered around 5 questions: 1. How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict? 2. Where are hotspots of climate insecurities ? 3.What is the underlying structure of the climate, conflict, and socio-economic system? 4. Are climate and security policies coherent and integrated? 5. Are policy makers aware of the climate security nexus?


Kangogo D, Laderach P, Pacillo G. 2021. How does climate exacerbate root causes of conflict in Sudan? An econometric analysis. CGIAR FOCUS Climate Security.


  • Kangogo, Daniel
  • Läderach, Peter
  • Pacillo, Grazia