
International Workshop of the Knowledge Action Group

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The workshop is a side event for the Global Science Conference. Photo: CIMMYT

The Knowledge Action Group (KAG) of the Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture (ACSA) is one of the three action groups created by the Alliance to support the identification of the objectives, key priority areas of work and early action of the alliance.

The functions of the KAG are:

  • increasing and promoting knowledge, research and development into technologies, practices, and policy approaches for climate-smart agriculture
  • practices and technology sharing and cooperation
  • improving communication and information sharing among participants
  • outreach, extension, and technical assistance


This international workshop is being organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), with the aim of securing inputs from participants in order to organize the work on knowledge priorities for climate-smart agriculture and partnerships to make these priorities possible. The activities identified at the workshop will form inputs into the development of the KAG’s action plan.


The key output from this workshop will be the KAG action plan, which will be submitted to the ACSA strategic committee.


The workshop has a capacity of 100 participants, who will be selected on the basis of relevant experience and interest expressed. All interested CSA practitioners and knowledge experts are invited to apply online to participate in the workshop by submitting a 100-word rationale outlining their motivation and their envisaged contribution to the work of the Knowledge Action Group by 24 February 2015.

Costs of participation

The costs of participation will need to be borne by the workshop participants themselves. Registration for the workshop is free. However, if you would like to participate in the Global Science Conference on Climate-Smart Agriculture, the registration fee and how to register is specified here.


08:30-09:00   Registration
09:00-09:10Welcome and introduction
09:10-09:25Knowledge Action Group, its scope, functions, and governance
09:25-09:40Major findings from the Knowledge Action Group's online consultations in 2014
09:40-09:50Priority work areas/products identified in the consultations and next steps for the KAG action plan
09:50-10:30Facilitated discussion
10:30-10:45Coffee break

Facilitated discussions in 4 sub-groups on priority work areas identified

14:00-15:00Report back from sub-groups
15:00-15:30Discussion / Q&A
15:30-15:45Coffee break
15:45-16:15Way forward and next steps from co-chairs
16:15-16:30Closing remarks and outlook


Do you want to apply? Access the online application form