
To help promote local innovations, Burkina Faso hosted the Innovation Fair Farmers in West Africa.

Burkina Faso hosted on 15 and 16 May the Innovation Fair Farmers in West Africa (FIPAO). This event aimed to draw attention to farmer innovation and the role of peasant producers in agricultural research, and to facilitate interaction, linkages and learning between all relevant actors. It also helped promote family farming through the development of innovative farmers.

A view of the audience at the opening ceremony of the innovation fair where farmer innovators, organisations, policymakers, stakeholders and the general public came to see the showcased innovations. See more

Amevor K. Gagnon presenting his innovation in front of CCAFS stand.

Malian women farmers presenting their innovations and related products.

The Ghanaian delegation also exhibited many innovations.

Beninese delegation brought products related to innovations. Read more about their innovation of organic fertilizers (in French).

Conducting an interview with innovators.

Dried mahogany seeds presented by the Senegalese delegation.

The delagation from Niger at their stand.

PROLINNOVA has brought many documents to share with visitors.

CCAFS West Africa provided informations to visitors about its projects and activities in the region.

The panel conducting the analysis of innovations.

Reading the "Ouagadougou declaration" at the closing ceremony.

Fatou Seye from the Senegalese delegation was recognized for her innovation: cowpea coffee.

Sidiki Coulibaly recognized for his grafting technique Npégoun/Ngouna.

 Hamadou Oumarou recognized for his technique backwaters weed cutting for agriculture and social.

Group photo with Jury members, the winners and organizers.

In addition to presenting the innovations, the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) sponsored a video contest to document farmer innovations in the face of climate change. Video-makers from Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal prepared videos that were screened at the fair. See the videos.

For more photos click here.

Read more (in French):

Sékou Touré is communications officer at CCAFS West Africa. Maïmouna Fané is communications intern at CCAFS West Africa.