
A series of side events at COP23 for setting an agenda for transforming agricultural development in the face of climate change

Both part of the cause of climate change, but also part of the solution, agriculture is central to any debate on global warming and extreme weather events. The interactions between the agricultural sector and climate change have undeniable implications for both global food security and our environment. Despite this global significance, and perhaps due to the complexity of the subject, there has been little progress to date on agriculture in the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process. Although COP17 in Durban made issues relating to agriculture in an agenda item under the UNFCCC’s Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), the process has failed to conclude and determine concrete next steps. However, the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) under the Paris Agreement overwhelmingly prioritise the sector for climate action. 119 countries include agricultural mitigation in their INDCs, and of the 138 countries that include adaptation, almost all (127) include agriculture as a priority (Richards et al. 2016). Agriculture is also key to achieving Sustainable Development Goals set by countries. 

“Agriculture Advantage: The case for climate action in agriculture” was an initiative and collaboration effort between different organizations with the same mission to transform agricultural development in the face of climate change. The event aimed to articulate the different dimensions of climate actions in the agricultural sector.

Specific objectives were:

  • Setting an agenda for transforming agricultural development in the face of climate change
  • Creating a collective case for investment in climate actions in agriculture
  • Charting a path for bringing expanded partnerships to scale up climate actions in agriculture

This initiative linked multiple side events that will be held during the 2 weeks of COP23 into a single theme, which had the effect of a day-long conference, but spread out over multiple days.

Schedule of events

Click on the below boxes to learn more about the events

Read report back on the CCAFS blog: Setting a vision for agricultural transformation under climate change

Read report back on the CCAFS blog: Gender-responsive adaptation in smallholder agriculture: challenges and opportunities


Read the report back on the CCAFS blog: Realizing sustainable land and water management in farming under climate change

Read the report back on the CCAFS blog: To meet climate goals, mainstream climate change mitigation in agricultural finance

Read the report back on the CCAFS blog: Bringing science into policymaking around agriculture and climate change

Read the report back on the CCAFS blog: Tapping into genetic diversity for food security in a 4 degrees warmer world

Read the report back on the CCAFS blog: Scaling up private sector climate actions in agriculture

Read report back on the CCAFS blog: Achieving agricultural transformation under climate change


More stories from CCAFS at COP23

Media coverage

Watch the summary video from the event series:


You can also view the video recordings from the side events on the CCAFS youtube channel.

View the full list of CCAFS events at COP23 in Bonn.