
International Water Management Institute (IWMI)CGIAR CenterSouth AsiaClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices, Low Emissions Development, Climate Services and Safety Nets
IPCC Working Group 3 (IPCC-WG3)Other
Irish AidDonorsClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices
Irrigation and Power Department, PunjabGovernment office/departmentSouth Asia
Jahangirnagar UniversityAcademic InstitutionSouth Asia
James Hutton InstituteAdvanced Research Institution
Japan international research center for agricultural sciences (JIRCAS)Advanced Research InstitutionLow Emissions Development
Joint Experiment for Crop Assessment and Monitoring (JECAM)Research networkLow Emissions Development
Joint Research Centre (JRC)OtherClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices, Climate Services and Safety Nets
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (jkuat)Academic InstitutionEast AfricaClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices, Climate Services and Safety Nets
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST)Academic InstitutionClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices
Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU)Academic InstitutionLow Emissions Development
Kansas State University (KSU)Academic InstitutionClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices, Climate Services and Safety Nets
Kapchorwa Landcare innovation Platforms (KADLACC)National agricultural research and extension servicesEast AfricaClimate Services and Safety Nets
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)Academic InstitutionLow Emissions Development
Karnataka State Department of Agriculture (KSDA)Government office/departmentSouth AsiaClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices
Kashkararya Research Institute of Grain Breeding and Seed Production of Cereal Crops (KRIGBSPCC)National agricultural research and extension servicesClimate Services and Safety Nets
Kathmandu University (KU)Academic InstitutionSouth Asia
Katholieke Universiteit LeuvenAcademic InstitutionClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices
Kenchic LmitedRegional OrganizationEast Africa
Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI)National agricultural research and extension servicesEast AfricaClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices, Climate Services and Safety Nets, Low Emissions Development
Kenya Forest Research Institute (KEFRI)Advanced Research InstitutionEast AfricaClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices
Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD)Government office/departmentEast AfricaClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices, Climate Services and Safety Nets
Kenya Network for Dissemination of Agricultural Technologies (KENDAT)Non-governmental organization/Development organizationEast AfricaClimate-Smart Technologies and Practices
Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services (Kephis)National agricultural research and extension servicesEast AfricaClimate Services and Safety Nets