Maren Radeny
Dr Maren Radeny holds a PhD in Development Economics from Wageningen University, the Netherlands, and an MSc in Agricultural Economics from the University of Nairobi, Kenya. Prior to joining CCAFS, she worked as a Research Associate with International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). Before joining ILRI, she was an Assistant Researcher with the International Crops Research Institute for the Arid and Semi-arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and the Institute of Policy Analysis and Research (IPAR) in Kenya.
Maren has 10-years post-graduate research experience working on poverty – correlates of poverty and poverty dynamics, and integrating quantitative and qualitative research methods for poverty analysis; livelihoods analysis focusing on assessing economic returns to different livelihood options; livestock marketing in pastoral and agro-pastoral systems; and livestock-based risk management and coping options agro-pastoral and pastoral systems in East Africa. Maren has conducted research in Kenya, Tanzania, and Peru in collaboration with local, national and international partners. She has published peer reviewed articles on poverty, livelihood choices and livestock marketing. She brings a wealth of research experiences from the social sciences discipline to complement our skills in advancing CCAFS research partnerships for East Africa.
Some recent publications
Radeny, M., Van den Berg, M., Schipper, R. 2012. Rural Poverty Dynamics in Kenya: Structural Declines and Stochastic Escapes. World Development 40 (8): 1577-1593.
Radeny, M., Bulte, E. 2012. Determinants of Rural Income: The role of Geography and Institutions in Kenya. Journal of African Economies 21 (2): 307-341.
Kristjanson, P., Mango, N., Krishna, A., Radeny, M., Johnson, N. 2010. Understanding Poverty dynamics in Kenya. Journal of International Development 22(7): 978-996.
Nkedianye, D., Radeny, M., Kristjanson, P., Herrero, M. 2009. Assessing Returns to Land and Changing Livelihood Strategies in Kitengela. In: Homewood, K., Kristjanson, P., Trench, P.C. (eds.), Staying Maasai? Livelihoods, Conservation and Development in East African Rangelands. Springer, New York, pp. 115-149.
Serneels, S., Herrero, M., BurnSilver, S., Trench, P.C., Cochrane, K., Homewood, K., Kristjanson, P., Nelson, F., Radeny, M., Thompson, D.M., Said, M.Y. 2009. Methods in the Analysis of Maasai Livelihoods, in: Homewood, K., Kristjanson, P., Trench, P.C. (eds.), Staying Maasai? Livelihoods, Conservation and Development in East African Rangelands. Springer, New York, pp. 43-67.
Radeny, M., Nkedianye, D., Kristjanson, P., Herrero, M. 2007. Livelihood Choices and Returns Among Pastoralists: Evidence from Southern Kenya. Nomadic Peoples 11(2): 31-35.
Kristjanson, P., Krishna, A., Radeny, M., Kuan, J., Quilca, G., Sanchez-Urrelo, A., Leon-Velarde, C. 2007. Poverty dynamics and the role of livestock in the Peruvian Andes. Agricultural Systems 94(2): 294-308.
Krishna, A., Kristjanson, P., Radeny, M., Kuan, J., Quilca, G., Sanchez-Urrelo, A. 2006. Escaping Poverty and Becoming Poor in Forty Communities of the Peruvian Andes. Development and Change 37(5): 997-1021.
Radeny, M., Scarpa, R., Ruto, E., Kristjanson, P., Wakhungu, J. 2006. Conserving Africa’s Drought and disease tolerant cattle breeds: What role do markets play? In: McPeak, J. G., Little, P.D. (eds), Pastoral Livestock Marketing in Eastern Africa: Research and Policy Challenges. ITDG Publishing, Warks, UK. 288 pp.
Kristjanson, P., Radeny, M., Baltenweck, I., Ogutu, J., Notenbaert, A., de Wolff, T. 2005. Livelihoods mapping and poverty correlates at a meso-level in Kenya. Food Policy 30(5-6): 568-583.