
Climate-Smart Agriculture: What is it? Why is it needed?

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In the next 20 years, increasing the productivity and incomes from smallholder crop, livestock, fishery and forestry
production systems will be key to achieving global food security. Most of the world’s poor are directly or indirectly dependent
on agriculture, and experience has shown that growth in agriculture is often the most effective and equitable
strategy for reducing poverty and increasing food security. Climate change multiplies the challenges of achieving
the needed growth and improvements in agricultural systems, and its effects are already being felt. Climate-Smart
Agriculture (CSA) is an approach to dealing with these interlinked challenges in a holistic and effective manner. This
brief is intended to give an overview of the approach and its main features, as well as answers to frequently asked
questions about it.


CCAFS, UNFAO. 2014. Climate-Smart Agriculture: What is it? Why is it needed? Rome, Italy: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (UNFAO).


  • CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations