Research and engagement at different scales in Latin America

Project description
This project aims to develop activities at different scales that will guide CCAFS synthesis, engagement and support across the regional portfolio. Local activities are related to the implementation of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) technological packages, as well as implementation of strategies to engage at community level in Latin America’s climate-smart villages (CSV) in order to create evidence to scale up and out the CSA approach through national and regional level stakeholders.
National and regional activities will include addressing priorities in the region, and context-specific actions and interactions with partners, governments and research centers will lead to the formulation and implementation of policies and strategies on climate change, agriculture and food security.
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Developing Climate-Smart Villages in Latin America | National actions and engagement in Latin America | Regional actions and engagement in Latin America |
- PICSA implementation protocol for Latin America CSVs
- Report with PICSA implementation results in Latin America CSVs
- Scientific article on LAMNET research results
- Working paper on GHG modelling and measurement results in Latin America CSVs
- Report on analysis of soils and water conservation CSA practices in Latin America CSVs
- Pilot study: Understanding socio-cultural aspects affecting CSA adoption to inform gender sensitive implementation
- Scientific article on results of Latin America CSVs implementation
- Study results on Understanding the implementation of Climate-Smart Villages
- Results on Innovation platforms for CSA adoption in Colombia and Honduras
- Process support evidence on reactivation and implementation of Agriculture Insurance Committee in Honduras
- Insurance value chain and business model jointly developed with Honduras insurance private sector
- Capacity strengthen of insurance value chain local institutions on participatory design of new insurance models
- Lessons learned on Index insurance development and implementation in Honduras
- Strategy on Climate Smart Agriculture for Central America and Dominican Republic
- Policy brief on CCAFS tools and resources for addressing food security in a changing climate
- Master research on Scaling climate smart agriculture in Cauca region in Colombia
- Report on activities , process and achievements in Cauca CSV in Colombia
- Strengthen curricula of CATIE's schools farms concept by including agro-climatic focus
- Report on activities implemented in Central America CSVs
- Working paper on cost-benefit analysis of crop introduction of Tepary-bean and Mayan-spinach as CSA practices
- Report on Crowdsourcing trials in Tuma-La Dalia (NC), Santa Rita (HN) and Olopa (GT) CSVs
Expected outcomes
- CSV approach implemented in Latin America will provide scientific evidence of how CSA practices are helping farmers to reduce agro-climatic risks and what are the costs and benefits associated to CSA practices implementation.
- At least 10 CSA practices will be tested and examined in Latin America CSVs considering particularities regarding gender and youth challenges, supporting decision making across levels.
- Evidence gathered from CSVs test and evaluation exercises will be used as inputs to inform policy processes across scales. This project has a significant focus on generating robust CSA practices and technologies data that demonstrates their effectiveness and benefits to implement them at large scales in Latin American countries.
- GHG Measurements and modelling at local scale where several CSA practices and technologies are being implemented provides insights on how adaptation and mitigation actions can provide benefits to smallholder farmers. Therefore, this project will provide data and analysis on how a portfolio of options interact to evidence the effectiveness of CSA, and contribution to mitigation at local scale.
- Based on the evidence gathered through the implementation of Local Technical Agro-Climatic Committees subnationally and the implementation at local level of PICSA and low-cost climatic networks, it is expected that within this project governments take concrete actions to include climate information as a key priority for investment in order to support decision making process in the agricultural sector. In addition, index insurance participatory process implemented in Honduras is expected to scale to other countries in the region.
- The engagement with government and multilateral organizations constitutes a key element of this project through which CCAFS is able to technically support countries in challenging topics such as food and nutrition security, especially in Central America.
- Through this project, CCAFS will support policy formulation and decision making processes providing tools and methods that can support addressing food and nutrition security in the region. This will include capacity strengthening and technical support, accompaniment to decision makers and technical government personnel.
- Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT)
- Bioversity International
- Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE)
- Fundación EcoHabitats
- Columbia University
- Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (SAG), Honduras
- Central American Agricultural Council (CAC)
- Zamorano University
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR), Colombia
Further information
Deissy Martínez Barón, CCAFS Regional Program Leader