
Climate risk, vulnerability and resilience: Supporting livelihood of smallholders in semiarid India

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Using panel data from 256 smallholder households from 2006 to 2014 in three semiarid regions India, this study
develops a framework for quantifying vulnerability and resilience by accounting for a smallholder household’s
ability to adapt and respond to climatic risk. Findings indicate that although smallholders with smaller landholdings
are more vulnerable to climatic risk (drought, in our case), they are also more resilient than their
counterparts. Results reveal that cropping intensity and crop risk increase the vulnerability of smallholders to
climatic risk, but large farms are less vulnerable. Diversification in on-farm enterprises, like livestock units, and
off-farm income sources, play significant roles in increasing smallholder households’ resilience to climatic risk.
Other drivers of resiliency include the choice of cash and risky crops, borrowing capacity, liquid investments,
and the ability to regain yields.


Kumar S, Mishra AK, Pramanik S, Mamidanna S, Whitbread A. 2020. Climate risk, vulnerability and resilience: Supporting livelihood of smallholders in semiarid India. Land Use Policy 97:104729.


  • Kumar, Shalander
  • Mishra, Ashok K
  • Pramanik, Soumitra
  • Mamidanna, Sravya
  • Whitbread, Anthony M.