
Evidence for Resilient Agriculture (ERA): Who is it for?

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Climate change impacts are expected to exceed the capacities of smallholder farmers to manage risks, in the absence of adaptations and transformations in the way the food is produced. Management practices and technologies are important building blocks of resilient agriculture. Local and national policies, climate-smart services and investments are built around how farms are managed. Access to robust information on which agricultural management options work where and at what costs enable program developers and implementers to unlock transformative solutions for the sector. Being able to understand expected shifts in production, livelihoods or environmental outcomes, farmers can adapt resource management strategies and be better prepared to manage risks.


Nowak A, Rosenstock T. 2020. Evidence for Resilient Agriculture (ERA): Who is it for?. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • Nowak, Andreea
  • Rosenstock, Todd S.