
Using the Mitigation Options Tool (CCAFS-MOT): Case studies

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Key messages
◼ The CCAFS Mitigation Options Tool (CCAFS- MOT) enables quick identification and comparison of mitigation options for agriculture with minimal training or data requirements.
◼ The tool is appropriate for generating high-level scenarios for discussion by project planners, consultants, extension services, advisors to policy-makers, teachers, and researchers.
◼ Several users considered CCAFS-MOT easy to use and were interested in continuing use.
◼ Many users were not familiar with greenhouse
gas (GHG) emission accounting tools before experiencing the CCAFS-MOT.


Feliciano D, MacSween K. 2018. Using the Mitigation Options Tool (CCAFS-MOT): Case studies. CCAFS Info Note. Wageningen, The Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program for Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).


  • Feliciano, Diana
  • MacSween, Kirsten