
Scaling up climate-smart agriculture through policies and institutions in South Asia

Photo: Prashanth Vishwanathan (CCAFS)

Project description

This project aims to develop the investment strategy and action plan for the selected south Asian countries like Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal and India to envisage climate-smart development pathways for the agriculture sector and thereby accomplish their NDC targets. Policymakers of the selected countries are sensitized with alternative policies and their possible impacts on agricultural growth, gender inclusiveness, and economic cost of climate change adaptation and greenhouse gas mitigation.

To achieve this outcome, partnership engagement are developed between IFPRI South Asia and the Ministry of Agriculture and agricultural research institutes of the selected countries. Partners from the respective countries support the IFPRI team to obtain a series of information related to biophysical parameter, climate, cropping pattern, technology, public and private investment, demographic trends, households demand for agricultural commodities and macroeconomic indicators. This information will be integrated using IFPRI-IMPACT model to measure the impact of climate change on food security and nutrition goals of the country; identify the appropriate climate-change adaptation technologies; develop strategies for up-scaling these technologies to state and national levels; and evaluate the effectiveness of these adaptation technologies in counteracting the impacts of climate change.


  • Developing an analytical tool to evaluate impact of alternative policies on climate-smart development
  • Preparing a vision document for the agriculture sector in Bhutan to scale-up climate smart agriculture
  • Developing an investment strategy to accomplish NDC commitments through climate-smart development pathway in Bangaldesh
  • Organizing capacity strengthening workshop to sensitize policymakers in South Asia
  • Scaling up technically viable and gender-sensitive climate-smart agriculture technologies for smallholders in selected farming systems
  • Developing a climate-smart investment strategy for Nepal and India
  • Sub-national level mapping of climate-smart interventions to assess drivers in their adoption in India

Expected outcomes

  • Investment strategy for the agriculture sector to achieve climate-smart development pathway for the selected countries to rethink their agricultural policies and institutions mechanisms.
  • Organizing various capacity building workshops and bilateral engagement meetings to sensitize and communicate scientific evidences for rational policy decision by policy-makers in respective countries.

Gender and youth

The proposed application of the IFPRI-IMPACT model for South Asia region will take into account demographic structure as an exogenous driver to develop scenarios for food demand system in South Asia. To accomplish this objective, country-specific household level unit data from secondary sources will be analysed to assess demographic drivers on level and pattern of food demand in South Asia. On the other hand, this study will analyse whether nationally appropriate climate-smart interventions are gender-responsive; and what the barriers are prevailing to scale up gender-responsive climate-smart interventions in south Asia.


The project is led by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).


  • Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC)
  • Ministry of Agricultural Development, Nepal (MOAD)
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Bhutan

More information

For more information, please contact the project leader, Barun Deb Pal, IFPRI (