A decade of action to transform food systems under climate change
The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) closed on 31 December 2021.
Since its inception in 2009, the CCAFS team contributed to the development of 'climate-smart agriculture', building the science and partnerships needed to make it a critical component of climate action.
Read the last ever CCAFS blog on how its legacy lives on
Skip to CCAFS flagship and regionAL legacy stories
Through its work, agriculture came to be included in the text of the 17th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP17) in Durban in 2011. This was - to all intents and purposes - the first time agriculture was significantly factored into a major international agreement that aimed to combat climate change.
The CCAFS team have worked with thousands of partners all round the world to catalyse a transformation of food systems under climate change.
This partnership-led approach was most evident in the launch of the 'Actions to Transform Food Systems Under Climate Change' initiative and the ClimateShot campaign.
CCAFS Director Bruce Campbell set himself the task of summarising just some of the impact our team has delivered over the years, in just two minutes.
See how he got on.....
What's next?
With the ambitious reforms to CGIAR, a decade of innovation and research led by the CCAFS team is now a springboard for several new initiatives and projects in what remains the world's largest research partnership for food and agriculture.
These include Building Systemic Resilience Against Climate Variability and Extremes (known as 'ClimBeR') and Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA).
Some CCAFS team members are joining forces to establish 'Clim-Eat', a new 'think and do tank' that seeks to bridge science and policy for climate and food.
CCAFS Legacy Stories
The stories found here highlight and summarise the impact that CCAFS flagships and regional teams have achieved over the years.
A new film featuring CCAFS team members, alumni and partners explores the key themes that drove our work, and how CCAFS successes (and failures) informs how we can approach the challenges and opportunities in taking forward 'climate-smart agriculture' in 2022 and beyond.
CCAFS Flagship and Region Legacy Stories
Priorities and Policies for Climate Smart Agriculture
The story of how CCAFS advanced climate-smart agriculture policies around the world
Low Emissions Development
Targeting mitigation, not mitigation as a co-benefit
Climate Services and Safety Nets
Developing successful climate services
West Africa
CCAFS legacy in the West African agricultural sector
East Africa
Southeast Asia
Climate-Smart Maps and Adaptation Plans in Vietnam
Latin America
Eight years of collaboration with allies across Latin America