What is the CRP II Portfolio?

The CGIAR Strategic Results Framework and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide the overall strategic direction, research priorities and results framework for the 2nd Call for CGIAR Research Programs (CRPII). The CRPII Portfolio has been developed and informed by the CGIAR Fund Council, CGIAR Independent Science and Partnership Council (ISPC)Centers and other stakeholders. The portfolio builds on aspects of the existing CRPs to maintain momentum in selected areas but puts more emphasis on certain research areas and domains including: Integrated agri-food systems based approaches, nutrition and health, climate change, soils and degraded land, reducing food systems waste, food safety, global stewardship of genetic resources, and big data & ICT. Read more...

Full proposal

The full proposal for the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Phase II was submitted to the CGIAR Consortium in July 2016 and CCAFS Phase II was approved (2017–2022) in November 2016.  The content and structure of the future program have been developed using the comments of the ISPC, the Joint Consortium Board/Centers/Fund Council Working Group and external partners. A full set of supporting annexes is included, covering areas such as partnerships, gender, intellectual assets, open access and data management, results based management, communications and more.



The CGIAR Consortium invited the 15 CGIAR Centers and their partners to submit a set of 13 interconnected pre-proposals, for 201722, to address the selected global challenges identified in CGIAR’s 2016–2030 Strategic Results Framework (SRF). The SRF and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provided the strategic direction, research priorities and the results framework for the 2nd Call for CGIAR Research Programs (CRPII). Read more...

pre-proposal for CCAFS Phase II was submitted to the CGIAR Consortium in August 2015.
