
Climate Resilient Agri-business For Tomorrow (CRAFT)

Photo: T. Muchaba (CCAFS)

Project description

Many countries across East Africa are experiencing rising temperatures, unpredictable rainfall patterns, and an increasing number of extreme weather events such as floods and prolonged droughts. Climate change is having far-reaching consequences not only for the agricultural sector but also for the management of natural resources as well as the food security situation for the growing urban and rural population. Adoption of climate-smart and ecologically sustainable production methods is key to improving the productivity of the existing food crop production and supply systems.

The Climate Resilient Agri-business For Tomorrow (CRAFT) project (20182023), implemented by SNV, will increase the availability of climate-smart foods for the growing population in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.


  • Climate risk analysis of major food value chains and identification of business opportunities in CSA
  • Business case development and matching grant funding to the private sector, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and farmer cooperatives
  • Investment leveraging through facilitating access to finance
  • Policy influencing and operationalization of climate plans
  • Feedback on practical applicability of CSA technologies, models and climate science
  • Knowledge sharing among countries and networks

Knowledge sharing and learning will be a cross-cutting element of the program. Practices, technologies, approaches, and methodologies that have proven to be successful will be shared and scaled to increase their impact.

Expected outcomes

  • Increased productive capacity and income for 300,000 smallholder farmers 
  • Improved business performance for 50 agribusiness SMEs and 30 cooperatives (at least 25% are managed by women and/or youth) for climate-proof value chains
  • Climate resilient sustainable food production practiced on 600,000 hectares

Gender and youth

Gender equality and opportunities for youth employment will be fully integrated into the program’s implementation.

The primary target groups of the program will include small and medium entrepreneurial farmers, agribusiness SMEs, and service providers to these SMEs, as well as government and financial institutions that play a key role in creating an enabling environment that can foster large-scale roll-out of CSA.


More information

For more information, please contact the project manager, Marieke van Schie, SNV, at

Funding for this project is provided by: