UNFCCC Side Event: Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans: Experiences and Lessons Learned

Led by Theme "Long-term Adaptation", the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) is coordinating a side event on NAPs at the upcoming UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP19) in Warsaw, Poland. Side event will be held on 15 November, 20:15-21:45 p.m. in Room: Cracow
The side event, entitled “Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans: experiences and lessons learned,” features the release of a new CCAFS report on the topic at hand and shares national-level highlights and lessons learned from a 2-day workshop held in the days leading up to COP19. The side event will be held on the premises of the UNFCCC climate conference, on 15 November, Room Cracow at 20:15-21:45 pm.
The national adaptation plan (NAP) process was established in the Cancún Adaptation Framework by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to help facilitate effective medium- and long-term adaptation planning and implementation in developing countries, and in particular Least Developed Countries (LDCs). For many countries, NAPs can provide an important means of focusing climate adaptation planning and resopnse measures.
The process includes:
- Risk assessment and ranking - identifying climate change impacts and vulnerabilities and prioritizing risks.
- Adaptation strategy design and interventions - prioritization of response activities, identification of institutional structures needed to implement the strategy, and integration with development and agriculture sector plans.
- Adaptation plan implementation and funding
- Stakeholder engagement
- Capacity building
The side event will review the NAP process for climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector by synthesizing the experiences of 10 countries from Africa, Asia and Latin America, drawn from a 2-day workshop on NAPs and agriculture held in the days leading up to COP 19. It will be an opportunity to share the lessons learned and future research needs brought up by workshop participants and will solicit discussion and input from audience members.
A report entitled Planning climate adaptation in agriculture, synthesising national climate change adaptation plans, policies and processes will also be launched during the event.
Speakers include: James Kinyangi, CCAFS East Africa, Gabrielle Kissinger, Lexeme Consulting, Ermira Fida, UNEP, Stephen Mutua King’uyu, Ministry of Environment, Water & Natural Resources, Kenya, Chase Sova, CIAT/Oxford University and Ali Tauqeer Sheikh, Asia Director, Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN).