(ICRAF - WA) Building resilient agro-sylvo-pastoral systems in West Africa through participatory action research (BRAS-PAR).

Project description
This project seeks to develop up-scalable technological and social innovations of climate-smart agriculture integrating crop-livestock-tree systems through improved understanding of farmer's perceptions and demands, by addressing barriers to adoption taking into consideration gender and social differentiation.
Specific research activities include:
- Testing, evaluation and validation of smart models of integrated crop and livestock systems with rural communities and other stakeholders. These systems will improve integrated crop and livestock systems by integrating climate risk management strategies.
- Simulation of options for improving water and crop-livestock-tree systems in different climatic and socio-economic scenarios using models (WaNuLCAS, SWAT, etc.) for informed decision-making.
- Analysis of the conditions for success and failure of technological and social innovations that favor climate-friendly agriculture.
In Burkina Faso, Ghana, Niger and Senegal, the private sector, NGOs (including FNGN, Larwaal, ProNet North and Care International), micro-credit institutions, agri-dealers and rural radios all help to scale up the innovations of climate-smart agriculture in the face of climate change.
Women were involved from the beginning as they represented at least 30% of farmers who participated to the technologies inventory and assessment of their smartness using defined criteria in link with the three pillars of CSA. Their involvement at this stage helped identified practices that women are willing to pursue.
The project is led by the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) in collaboration with the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and CCAFS West Africa.
Further information
For further information, please contact project leaders Jules Bayala (ICRAF) at j.bayala@cgiar.org and Augustine Ayantunde (CIFOR) at a.ayantunde@cgiar.org.