
COP21 Africa pavilion: Scaling up innovative approaches to climate-smart agriculture in Africa

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Nyando climate-smart villages are home to a mix of technologies tailored to boost farmers’ ability to adapt to climate change, manage risks and build resilience. These technologies will in turn improve livelihoods and incomes. Photo: S. Kilungu

Event will take place at the African Pavillion which will run alongside COP21 in Paris. 

Read the report back

Negotiators at COP21 in Paris in December 2015 are under pressure to meet the pre-2020 climate change mitigation ambition, address the adaptation challenges and agree on a new framework post-2020. Agriculture has been neglected for many years but this seems to have shifted, as many countries have included agriculture in their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs).

Please note: participants must possess an official UNFCCC delegate badge (blue zone access) to attend events at the Africa Pavilion.


The objective of the session is to help inform the UNFCCC discussions and outcomes at COP21 by sharing information about specific scalable climate-smart solutions that can help millions of small-holder farmers in Africa, in several areas including adaptation, mitigation and food security. Discussions will highlight how the challenges of going to scale for these innovative solutions- information and finance- can be overcome, and identify opportunities to integrate these innovative solutions as part of INDC implementation in the continent.

The event will seek to answer the following questions:

  • What agricultural options can be scaled to meet the targets in INDCs?
  • What partnerships models do we need to scale up climate smart solutions?
  • What are the key challenges that need to be addressed in going to scale?
  • What are the gaps in knowledge of going to scale?

Draft agenda



Richard Muyungi, GACSA finance group co facilitator; ex-SBSTA Chair; Vice-Presidents office, Tanzania (TBC)

Enabling 4 million farmers to get seasonal forecasts in Senegal

Ms. Aïda Ndong, Director, Senegal Meteorological Services

Development of CSA national action plan under the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Ghana

Dr. Delali KofiMoFA

Index Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) as an Innovative Tool Against Drought Loss in Kenya

Gargule Achiba, Researcher, University of Berne Switzerland

Use of ICTs as a solution to improve farmers’ resilience to climate change in East Africa

Prof Idowu Oladele, North Western University, South Africa

Panel discussion

Moderator: Michael Hailu, Director, CTA (confirmed)


  • Bode Opadokun, Managing Director, Nigeria Agriculture Insurance Company

  • Roberto Ridolfi, Director, Sustainable Growth and Development, Directorate Development and Cooperation, European Commission

Exchange with audience


We welcome you to join our other event at the Africa Pavillion: Taking forward the implementation of national climate-smart agriculture programmes in East Africa, Fri, Dec 4 2015 18:00 – 19:30

Report back: Africa Pavilion at COP21: Scaling up innovative approaches to climate-smart agriculture in Africa (IISD Reporting Services)