
COP22 side event: Farmers of the future

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Amy Ndiaye of Gnibi village, Senegal, shares enthusiasm for using and sharing climate forecasts in her community. Photo: V. Meadu (CCAFS)

This side event will discuss a youth-centered approach to farming, giving youth the possibility to be agropreneurs. 

Agriculture is facing the unprecedented challenge of providing food security and socio-economic development in the framework of an increasing global population, expected to increase to 10 billion by 2050, further challenged by the changing climate.

Youth has to be considered as a key stakeholder, especially in the agricultural sector, as they are a  huge  goldmine  that  can  provide  the  solution to the main challenges of the 21st century, innovating  an ageing agricultural sector  that  needs  to  be  rejuvenated  to be able to achieve a sustainable future and social stability for the Planet.

Young farmers are facing several challenges, such as insufficient access to knowledge, information, education, to land, financial services, inputs and markets, which represent a set of obstacles to the development of sustainable agropreneurial businesses.

Despite all these challenges, young farmers will be the solution to climate change, through their inclination to innovation, to look for new and better solutions for a more sustainable agriculture, through the creation and the use of goods and services in an environmental, friendly and economically viable way, preserving and taking into account their needs and the ones of future generations.

Governments, public institutions, national and international donors, and the other stakeholders should support young farmers with specific policies, programs and investments, especially in infrastructures.

A sustainable agricultural sector, with a sustainable production and consumption, requires young people engagement: it is time to start considering a youth-centered approach, giving youth the possibility to be agropreneurs. These and additional issues will be discussed during the side event that will feature the intervention from the different stakeholders working in the farming sector.

Tentative agenda

09:00-09:15  Opening remarks:

Dr. Marco Marzano de Marinis, WFO Secretary General, Rome

09.15-10:00 Panelists:

Ntiokam Divine, Global Youth Digital Advocate,  CSA Youth Network, Yaoundé

Richard Bower, Chairman, Next Generation Policy Forum – NFU, United Kingdom

Daniele Perrone, Farmers, Coldiretti Giovani representative, Italy

Michael Hoevel, Farming First, London

Anette Engelund Friis, Head of Program Coordination, CGIAR Research Program

Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, CCAFS, Copenhangen

MODERATOR: Richard Black, BBC World Service

10:00-10:30 Open discussion 


Event organised by: World Farmers' Organisation

Co-organizers: CSA Youth Network Partners; IFA

View the full list of CCAFS events at COP22 in Morocco.