
Will soil be the silver bullet to meet food security and climate change goals? This event will present the latest scientific evidence and discuss business cases for soil carbon enhancement.


To mobilize a coalition of actors and funding to scale out actions to enhance soil carbon stocks and progress towards meeting food security and climate change goals.

Please note the time of this event has changed to: 

18:30-20:00 PM

The date and room remain the same. Details below. 


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on limiting warming to 1.5 degrees celsius calls for large-scale transformations of the global energy-agriculture-land-economy system. The report warns that failure to limit warming may affect agriculture in ways that make achieving the 2nd Sustainable Development Goal of ending hunger impossible and it has the potential to reverse the gains of the past decades. The report  makes a strong case for carbon dioxide removals, and sequestration of carbon in soils is an important option with positive co-benefits for soil fertility, productivity, and water and nutrient retention. These improvements make for more resilient agroecosystems and will help farmers deal with increasing inter-annual climate variability.

However, while land use issues represent 25% of the climate change problem, and natural climate solutions, including those based on increasing soil carbon content represent more than 30% of the solution. Today, this is only 1% of the climate conversation. This needs to change, and efforts are needed to scale investment to put carbon back into soil and prevent soil carbon loss. 

Efforts are ongoing to scale up actions, for example, the 4 per 1000 Initiative on Soils for Food Security and Climate (4p1000) a platform for knowledge and experience sharing among different stakeholders, enables partners to implement practical actions on soil carbon storage adapted to local context. Such efforts need to be complemented with policy support and incentives for farmer led actions. This event seeks to close the information gap on soil carbon for farmers, policy makers, businesses and investors, to enable implementation at scale and to help meet food security and climate change goals.

Tentative program




Lini Wollenberg, Flagship Leader – Low Emissions Development, CCAFS

Welcome and introductions

10 mins

Louis Verchot, Director, Soils Research Area, CIAT/WLE

Keynote presentation: The soils advantage for transforming agriculture

10 mins

Short presentations of opportunities and challenges in realising the potential from different stakeholder groups

Paul Luu, Executive Secretary, 4p1000

The “4 per 1000” Initiative, 3 years after COP 21 : Hopes and challenges

8 mins

Dalma Somogyi, Manager – CSA, WBCSD

The business case for investment in soils - catalyzing action from the private sector

8 mins

Majola Mabuza, Programme Officer - Policy, SACAU

Increasing soil organic carbon – what is the value proposition for farmers?

8 mins

Lucy Ng’ang’a, Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya

Soil carbon policies: The missing link

8 mins

Moderated Q&A and discussion

Moderator: Viridiana Alcantara Cervantes, Technical Advisor, Federal Office for Agriculture and Food, Germany

30 mins

Lini Wollenberg, Flagship Leader – Low Emissions Development, CCAFS

Closing remarks

10 mins


This event is part of the Agriculture Advantage 2.0 event series at COP24, a collaborative effort of more than 15 organizations with the mission to transform agricultural development in the face of climate change. Click here to see the series of events at COP24.

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