Integrated soil-water-energy system as a climate-smart agro-sylvo-pastoral production model in Cinzana, Mali

Project description
The integration of livestock production systems into the CSV of Mali is considered a unique opportunity to boost the livestock sector of the Segou region of Mali considering its huge potential for poverty alleviation and food security. Considering the limited availability and adoption of range improvement interventions, CCAFS is keen to use its CSV in Cinzana to promote the adoption of climate-smart agro-silvopastoral systems for improved and sustained fodder availability and livestock nutrition. Sufficient documentation of fodder species (trees, shrubs, forbes, grasses), farmer perceptions of their use, priorities among livestock producers, and their nutritional profiles are also considered knowledge gaps in the project area which are crucial for strategic livestock farm technology development, feeding and supplementation to livestock ration in the region.
The objectives of the project are:
- Diagnose crop and livestock production constraints and problems to inform the planning and designing of CSA interventions
- Establish demonstration plots with seasoning garden and various soil and water conservation techniques and improved crop varieties for farmer evaluation of effectiveness using crop productivity indicators
- Design and implement an irrigated-grazed-paddocked-silvopastoral system (IGRIPAS) for improved fodder productivity and livestock nutrition
- Assess household energy needs and conduct a life cycle analysis of a model agrosilvopasture system for bioenergy production
- Evaluate the economic important of the agrosilvopastoral system
Expected Output/Outcome
- Baseline information on livestock production developed as entry point for defining development options for sustainable livestock production;
- Various CSA practices and technologies tested for scaling;
- Botanical and nutritional profile of priority fodder species developed and made available to all livestock stakeholders;
- A model agro-silvopastoral system developed and demonstrated for local adoption;
- Life cycle assessment of agro-silvopastoral system conducted to inform management practices for emission reduction;
- Carbon sequestration within the agro-silvopastoral system determined.
- Farmers, policy makers and development advocates adopting the agrosilvopasture system for improved food security and sustainable bioenergy production
Gender and Youth
- Journal paper on gender participation and socio-economic analysis of livestock production
- International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
- Mali National Agricultural Research Institute (IER)
Further information
For further information, please contact Dr. Mathieu Ouédraogo ( or Dr. Siaka Dembélé (