
Bjoern Ole Sander

Dr. Bjoern Ole Sander is a senior scientist and the climate change focal point at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). He is the country representative of IRRI to Vietnam and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) focal person for IRRI.

As a scientist in IRRI’s ‘Soil, Climate and Water’ Cluster, Dr. Sander works on low greenhouse gas (GHG) emission technologies in rice production. He joined IRRI HQ in 2010 and moved to Vietnam in 2018 taking over the role of IRRI’s country representative. Dr. Sander is currently leading climate change research projects with a focus on GHG mitigation technologies under CCAFS’s Low Emissions Development Flagship and the Climate & Clean Air Coalition’s (CCAC) agriculture initiative.

As climate change specialist, Dr. Sander evaluates different mitigation options through water, fertilizer, and crop residue management. He also identifies suitable conditions to support dissemination of mitigation technologies particularly the water saving method alternate wetting and drying (AWD), which offers huge potential in reducing methane emissions. His work contributes to transforming rice production in Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand and Bangladesh.

Dr. Sander has produced over 70 research items, including 40 journal articles, books, and book chapters, majorly focusing on GHG emission reduction technologies and climate-smart rice production systems. Dr. Sander holds a Doctorate Degree of Philosophy in Chemistry and a University Certificate in Business Administration, Management and Operations from Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel (CAU).

Some recent publications

Faiz-ul Islam S, de Neergaard A, Sander BO, Jensen LS, Wassmann R, van Groenigen JW. 2020. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and grain arsenic and lead levels without compromising yield in organically produced rice. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 295:106922.

Tran Nhat Lam Duyen, Rañola RF, Sander BO, Wassmann R, Nguyen Dinh Tien,  Nong Nguyen Khanh Ngoc. 2020. A comparative analysis of gender and youth issues in rice production in North, Central, and South Vietnam. Climate and Development DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2020.1734771

Nguyen-Van-Hung, Sander BO, Quilty J. et al. 2019. An assessment of irrigated rice production energy efficiency and environmental footprint with in-field and off-field rice straw management practices. Scientific Reports 9.

Tran NLD, Rañola R, Sander BO, Wassmann R, Nguyen D, Nong N. 2019. Determinants of adoption of climate-smart agriculture technologies in rice production in Vietnam. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 12:238–256.

Bacud ES, Puskur R, Tran NLD, Sander BO, Luis J. 2019. Rural outmigration – feminization – agricultural production nexus: Case of Vietnam. Migration and Development DOI: 10.1080/21632324.2019.1679962

Allen JM, Sander BO. 2019. The Diverse Benefits of Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD). Los Baños, Philippines: International Rice Research Institute (IRRI).

Wassmann R, Villanueva J, Khounthavong M, Okumu BO, Vo TBT, Sander BO. 2019. Adaptation, mitigation and food security: Multi-criteria ranking system for climate-smart agriculture technologies illustrated for rainfed rice in Laos. Global Food Security 23:33-40.

Wassmann R, Pasco R, Zerrudo J, Ngo DM, Vo TBT, Sander BO. 2019. Introducing a new tool for greenhouse gas calculation tailored for cropland: rationale, operational framework and potential application, Carbon Management 10(1):79-92.

Sander BO, Samson M, Sanchez PB, Valencia KP, Demafelix EAM, Buresh, RJ. 2018. Contribution of fallow periods between rice crops to seasonal GHG emissions: effect of water and tillage management. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 64:2 DOI: 10.1080/00380768.2018.14409

Sander BO, Wassmann R, Palao L, Nelson A. 2017. Climate-based suitability assessment for alternate wetting and drying water management in the Philippines: A Novel Approach for Mapping Methane Mitigation Potential in Rice Production. Carbon Management