
The GLP 2nd Open Science Meeting 'Land Transformations: between global challenges and local realities’ will synthesize and discuss the role of the land system as a platform for human-environment interactions, connecting local land use decisions to global impacts and responses.

Avery Cohn and Pete Newton will present "Land Change Effects of Governance Interventions in Agricultural Systems: Cattle Ranching in Northern Brazil", a product of research supported by the CCAFS Low-Emissions Agriculture theme.  Read more about recent CCAFS work on sustainable certification.

Newton is also presenting on the panel "Local decisions with global consequences: towards an integrated understanding of land-use decisions in the tropics and their consequences for people and ecosystems" organized by Marcia Macedo.

Two ICRAF scientists, Cheikh Mbow and Sonya Dewi, are keynote speakers.

The Global Land Project is a joint research project for land systems for the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) and the International Human Dimensions Programme (IHDP). The Global Land Project Science Plan represents the research framework for the coming decade for land systems. This development of a research strategy is designed to better integrate the understanding of the coupled human-environment system. These integrated science perspectives reflect the recognition of the fundamental nature of how human activities on land are affecting feedbacks to the earth system and the response of the human-environment system to global change.