
Biodiversity in agriculture for people and planet | Webinar 3

Building evidence for transforming agricultural innovation systems under climate change

The third in a series of webinars to set a path for transformation in agricultural innovation systems, in the lead up to COP26. 





Key actions to achieve climate security, food security, nutrition security and environmental security include avoiding further conversion of intact ecosystems and restoring ecosystems where they are in deficit; reducing the impacts of food production and consumption on the environment and biodiversity; diversifying production practices to regenerate ecosystem services to and from agriculture; and transforming food system objectives to harness food’s full potential to contribute to these goals. Major investments are needed, notably in LMICs, to support the development and improvement of diversification practices. Investment should not only target technologies and practices but also provide the necessary enabling environment that ensures that farmers and farming communities thrive when contributing to the global goals.

Global conventions on the environment and food systems recognize that biodiversity reaches far beyond conserving species in protected areasit is a critical means to securing healthy, diverse diets and sustaining ecosystem services such as the carbon and water cycle as well as pollination and natural pest control. This session will review the current evidence for the links between biodiversity and agriculture. We argue that it is possible to achieve food and nutrition security while retaining biodiversity within planetary boundaries. This can be done via a diversified agricultural system that also contributes to climate and hydrological security. However, this requires a significant transformation in how we produce food, which depends on a rethinking and recentering of biodiversity as part of our food systems.








Introduction to the evidence review webinars

Summary of the previous webinar(s)

Howard Standen, Climate Change and Food Security Advisor, UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)


Welcome by Chair

Cristina Rumbaitis del Rio, Senior Adaptation and Resilience Advisor, World Resources Institute (WRI) 


Presentation on the evidence review and results

Current evidence for biodiversity and agriculture to achieve and bridging gaps in research and investment to reach multiple global goals.

Dr. Fabrice DeClerck, Director of Science, EAT Foundation 


Panel reacting to evidence review


Cristina Rumbaitis del Rio, Senior Adaptation and Resilience Advisor, World Resources Institute (WRI)


Ajay Jakhar, Chairman, Bharat Krishak Samaj, India

Sue Pritchard, Chief Executive, Food, Farming and Countryside Commission, UK

Florence Jeantet, Managing Director, One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B)


Reflection from key stakeholders and live Q&A


Cristina Rumbaitis del Rio, Senior Adaptation and Resilience Advisor, World Resources Institute (WRI) 


Closing and introduction to next webinar

Paula Chalinder, Head of Profession, Livelihoods, UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) - tbc




  • CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE
