Building the CSA Strategy for Central America and Dominican Republic – Second Workshop

The Central American Agricultural Council (CAC) has prioritized the creation of the Climate Smart Agriculture Strategy for Central America and the Dominican Republic, based on agreements set by the Council of Ministers. This is a regional scenario that directs efforts in agriculture at national level to meet the challenges of climate change. The CGIAR Research Programme in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) is supporting the process through with its know-how and experience.
The building of the CSA Strategy has been conceived as a participatory process that begins with CAC’s Climate Change and Integrated Risk Management Group (GT-CC&GR) in coordination with other technical groups and CAC's General Secretariat (SECAC). The process also includes other actors belonging to the Inter-Agency Group (CEPAL, IICA, CATIE, FAO, CCAFS-CIAT, among others), as well as consultancy services from key academics and representatives of private sector at regional and national level.
Building the strategy started on December 8-9, 2016, in San José, Costa Rica, with a workshop drawing the main directions. You can find the results of that workshop here. The next phase is organizing a workshop with more actors from countries from the region to fuel and strengthen the Strategy using the Future Scenarios methodology developed by CCAFS and implemented in Latin America by the University for International Cooperation (UCI). This methodology has proved useful for policy-making in Asia and Africa and Honduras and Costa Rica in the region.
The second workshop will take place between 15-17 February 2017 in San José, Costa Rica, and will result in a preliminary, solid version of the CSA Strategy for Central America and Dominican Republic, built in a participatory manner with actors from a variety of sectors including agriculture, environment, academia, private sector and civil society, among others, and taking into consideration future social, economic, environmental and climate uncertainties.