
CCAFS at Climate Week NYC

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Photo: M. DeFreese/ CIMMYT

Join CCAFS and partners for key Climate-Smart Agriculture events at Climate Week NYC

Climate-Smart Agriculture will be a major topic at Climate Week NYC from 22-28 September 2014, where a number of events will take place in support of the UN Climate Summit. Together, these events have the potential to catapult climate change back to the top of the world agenda, mobilising leaders to act now.

Key events focused on Climate-Smart Agriculture

22 September 10:00 - 13:00 (EST) 
On the eve of the UN Climate Summit, the Africa Union Commission, the NEPAD Agency, and partner NGOs present a special side event on Africa Climate-Smart Agriculture Alliance. This offers an opportunity to network and share practical and innovative strategies and actions that support rural and farming communities in implementing Climate-Smart Agriculture practices in Africa. CCAFS is a member of the Africa CSA Alliance
22 September 12:00 - 13:30 (EST)
Featuring CCAFS scientists from the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) who won the Big Data Climate Challenge. Read more about the research that won the competition.
23 September (All Day)
The Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture will be formally launched during the UN Secretary-General's Climate Summit. All sessions will be webcast at http://webtv.un.orgThe session for Agriculture is from 16:20 to 17:00 EST . The session will include announcements of commitments, including the launch of the Global Alliance. Read more.
24 September 9:00-13:00 (EST)

This event will gather high-profile speakers to discuss "Building innovative and sustainable index insurance markets in developing countries." The forum will include a keynote address, followed by a panel discussion where CCAFS Scientist John Hellin (CIMMYT) will present. This is organised in collaboration with the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) at Columbia University, a major CCAFS partner. A live webcast will be available at starting at 9:30 EDT on the 24th.

24 September 15:00-18:00 (EST)

The meeting brings together partners of the Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture, to share information and guide its inception year. CCAFS is a founding member of the Alliance. Join the live webcast on the 24th of September. Advance registration required. The online audience can join in and ask questions via live chat and on twitter using #CSA_Alliance.

25 September 10:00-17:00 (EST)
The first CGIAR Development Dialogues will focus global attention on the fundamental roles of agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry, landscapes, and food systems ­ and demonstrate how these areas are fundamental to achieving the emerging UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Join the live webcast on the 24th of September.

For the latest updates from New York Climate follow @cgiarclimate on twitter, using #climate-smart-agriculture. Click to find out more about Climate-Smart Agriculture.