

This event will bring governments, policymakers and farmers together. They will showcase actions and ambition to accelerate transition to sustainable agriculture - through redirecting policies and support as well as scaling innovation, to deliver healthy diets, resilient livelihoods and economies, whilst protecting nature and keeping to within 1.5°C of global warming.

The event is aligned with the COP26 Sustainable Agriculture Campaign and closely linked to the Forests, Agriculture Commodities and Trade Dialogue. It will showcase political ambition and bring together commitments made by lead countries and wider stakeholders throughout the Policy Dialogue process and the Global Action Agenda for Innovation in Agriculture. It will provide important space for stakeholders across the sector to come together to agree further action at COP26 and beyond.

The Global Action Agenda for Innovation in Agriculture (GAA) will set out the vision, objectives and a set of joint research priorities to drive coordination and accelerate agriculture innovation for people, nature and climate, whilst the Policy Action Agenda will set out steps which countries and actors can take to mobilise action towards repurposing of policies and public support.

The event will amplify multi-stakeholder voices and mobilise actors at and beyond COP26 on the policy and innovation changes needed to transform food systems for people, nature and climate, illustrating both a focus on nature and climate and resilient productive sectors and livelihoods, particularly in LMICs.

For more information about the event, visit


Watch the livestream


Watch the ClimateShot launch livestream




Host: Aasmah Mir, Breakfast Co-Presenter, Times Radio

Special Guests: Idris and Sabrina Elba


Maria Lettini, Executive Director, FAIRR Initiative

Mariam Almheiri, UAE Minister of State for Water and Food Security

Tom Vilsack, US Secretary for Agriculture

Claudia Sadoff, Managing Director, Research, Delivery & Impact, CGIAR

Agnes Kalibata, Special Envoy, UN Food Systems Summit

Ishmael Sunga, CEO, South African COnfederation of Agricultural Unions





IntroductionTransforming agriculture and food systems for people, climate and nature: the importance of policy and innovation


Part 1 - Solutions within reachPolicies and approaches that are delivering results and plans to expand and progress these


Part 2 - Innovation is essential to transform food systemsHow to catalyse change the pivotal role of research and innovation, action and investments to scale up innovation for sustainable food systems


Part 3 - Partnerships and collaboration What is required to accelerate transition?Accelerating the transition through working with farmers, governments, regional bodies and globally


Close and the way forwardHow we can make change and mobilise action?




  • UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)

This event page provides details for one of the events that CCAFS will be participating in with partners during COP26 (31 Oct–12 Nov 2021). To see other events that CCAFS is co-hosting or participating in, please click here.