CCAFS at UN Climate Change Conference COP23

An overview of CCAFS activities at and alongside the 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP23) in Bonn, Germany.
CCAFS and partners are hosting a series of side events at COP23 for setting an agenda for transforming agricultural development in the face of climate change. Read more: Agriculture advantage: the case for climate action in agriculture.
List of CCAFS-related events at COP23:
Read report back on the CCAFS blog: Setting a vision for agricultural transformation under climate change
Watch the video recording on the CCAFS youtube channel.
Agriculture advantage opening event: A framework for agricultural development under climate change
7 November 2017, 14:00-16:00 (The Crop Trust venue)
This opening event for the Agriculture advantage side event series aims to contribute to shifting agricultural development from business as usual.
Read report back on the CCAFS blog: Gender-responsive adaptation in smallholder agriculture: challenges and opportunities
Watch the video recording on the CCAFS youtube channel.
Agriculture advantage side event: The Gender Advantage: Gender responsive adaptation in smallholder agriculture: Challenges and opportunities
8 November 2017, 10:00-12:00 (The Crop Trust venue)
This event will share lessons, provide guidance to implementers, and set out a research and action agenda for further work on integrating gender in adaptation projects with smallholder farmers.
Read the report back on the CCAFS blog: Realizing sustainable land and water management in farming under climate change
Watch the video recording on the CCAFS youtube channel.
Agriculture advantage side event: The Land and Water Advantage: Is sustainable land and water management compatible with small-scale farming under climate change?
8 November 2017, 13:15-14:45 (Meeting room 9, Bonn zone)
This event will present solutions to climate change adaptation in agriculture, focusing on water and land.
Enhancing farmers’ institutional capacity to gain effectiveness in a changing climate
8 November 2017, 11:30-13:00 (Meeting room 9, Bonn zone)
Farmers’ networks allow exchange of information best practices, challenges and solutions and provide farmers, youth and women, with capacity to tackle climate change. Cases on farmers’ initiatives to mitigate and adapt to climate change and measurement of progress will be shown. Meryl Richards, CCAFS Low Emissions Development Science Officer, will present at the side event.
The side event is organized by the World Farmers' Organisation (WFO) and the International Fertilizer Association (IFA).
Read the report back on the CCAFS blog: To meet climate goals, mainstream climate change mitigation in agricultural finance
Agriculture advantage side event: The Low Emissions Advantage: Climate finance: Emerging instruments for mitigation in agriculture
9 November 2017, 11:30-13:00 (Meeting room 10, Bonn zone)
Developing countries urgently require finance to meet climate change mitigation commitments in the agriculture sector. This side event will present business cases and describe emerging financial instruments that have the potential to mainstream climate change mitigation in agriculture.
Youth Engagement in Climate-Smart Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges
9 November 2017, 11:30-13:00 (Meeting room 2, Bonn zone)
This side event will showcase the collective action of a global youth network (CSAYN) and partners to make the links between climate change and agriculture more clear. Catherine Mungai, CCAFS Partnership and policy specialist at CCAFS East Africa will present examples of youth engagement in Climate-Smart Villages in East Africa.
This event is organized by the Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network (CSAYN).
Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative: Closing knowledge gaps to scale up adaptation
9 November 2017, 18:30-20:00 (Meeting room 12, Bonn zone)
The overarching goal is to induce political and material support towards a second phase of the LAKI and towards implementing actions identified during the first phase. Dhanush Dinesh, CCAFS Global Policy Engagement Manager, will participate in the panel discussion on opportunities and challenges in closing priority knowledge gaps and scaling up the LAKI in subregions and thematic domains.
This event is hosted by the UNFCCC.
Read the report back on the CCAFS blog: Bringing science into policymaking around agriculture and climate change
Watch the video recording on the CCAFS youtube channel.
Agriculture advantage side event: The Policy Advantage: The Science-Policy Interface in action through a global CSA initiative: what are the lessons learned?
10 November 2017, 09:30-11:30 (The Crop Trust venue)
This side event aims to highlight key reflections that can be drawn from this large scale experiment of engagements in 30 countries globally for promoting CSA in policies and investments.
Agriculture Action Day: Scaling up Climate-Smart Agriculture to achieve the NDC commitments in the agriculture sectors
10 November 2017, 15:00-16:30 (tbc)
The event will highlight the importance of, and opportunities offered by existing approaches to scale up Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA), helping countries to achieve their NDC commitments in the agriculture sectors. The event will highlight success stories, and current progress and challenges will be discussed. Bruce Campbell, director of CCAFS, is speaking at the event.
This event is organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
Development & Climate days: How do we mobilize the financial power of the private sector in support of climate resilience?
11 November 2017, 16:00-17:30 (Kameha Grand Bonn, Yu Private Theatre room)
This session explores innovative ways to mobilize private sector investment for climate resilience. Together we will surface new ways of thinking of private sector investments in resilience. It will draw lessons from recent engagements with Morgan Stanley, The Coca-Cola Company, and T-Mobile; and from research conducted on behalf of IDRC; the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Sistema B and Avian. Dhanush Dinesh, CCAFS Global Policy Engagement Manager, will speak at the session.
This session is organized by We Mean Business and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Innovation in Agricultural Landscapes: Technological solutions to meet NDCs for mitigation and adaptation
12 November 2017, 13:15-14:45 (Meeting room 10, Session 4B, Bonn zone)
The session will explore how the application of new technologies and scientific advancements in agriculture can address the dual challenges of greenhouse gas mitigation and adaptation to climate change whilst ensuring a stable and sustainable supply of key commodities. Bruce Campbell, Director of CCAFS, will deliver a framing presentation.
Partners: CCAFS, the Global Research Alliance (GRA) for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and its members and partners
Read the report back on the CCAFS blog: Tapping into genetic diversity for food security in a 4 degrees warmer world
Watch the video recording on the CCAFS youtube channel.
Agriculture advantage side event: The Breeding Advantage: Tapping into genetic diversity for food security in a 4 degrees warmer world
13 November 2017, 10:00-12:00 (The Crop Trust venue)
This event aims to explore the role of genetic resources in climate change adaptation, specifically identifying the current state of play, capturing best practices, and developing a research and action agenda on the role of genetic resources in securing global food security in a a 4°C warmer world.
Read the report back on the CCAFS blog: Scaling up private sector climate actions in agriculture
Watch the video recording on the CCAFS youtube channel.
Agriculture advantage side event: The Business Advantage: Scaling up private sector climate actions in agriculture
13 November 2017, 15:00-16:30 (Meeting room 4, Bonn zone)
This event will share experiences of private sector climate actions in agriculture and identify lessons for scaling up such efforts.
Read report back on the CCAFS blog: Achieving agricultural transformation under climate change
Watch the video recording of the session: part 1, part 2.
Agriculture advantage side event: Closing event: Agriculture Advantage: The case for climate action in agriculture
14 November 2017, 13:00-17:00 (DIE venue)
Based on previous sessions which articulate the different dimensions of climate actions in agriculture, this event will call on countries, international organizations and businesses to take cognizance of the advantage offered by climate investments in agriculture, and urge stakeholders to come together for the transformation required within the sector.
Gender Day Market Place
14 November 2017, 13:00-18:00 (Bonn zone)
The goal of this Market Place is to showcase products, services and ideas that can support the implementation of gender-responsive Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and/or National Adaption Plans (NAPs).
Mary Nyasimi, CCAFS Science Officer at Gender and Social Inclusion Flagship, will attend.
More information to follow soon.