
COP22 side event: Collaborations on agriculture climate insurance in Southeast Asia

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The ASEAN member states (AMS) implementing national agriculture insurance programs in their respective countries have a common goal - that is to ensure food security and agriculture resilience while at the same time protecting farmers from the adverse impacts of climate change and other natural disasters to increase their income and sustain their livelihoods.

This side event aims to:

  • Showcase national level actions and efforts of Thailand and other AMS to support South-South cooperation mechanisms;
  • Develop partnerships with relevant organizations and networks to further scale out agriculture climate insurance;
  • In addressing its aims, the side event will adopt a multi-stakeholder approach with member states collaboration with the ASEAN Climate Resilience Network, FAO, GIZ and CCAFS in organizing the side event.

Dr James Hansen, CCAFS Flagship leader on Climate-risk management, will give a presentation on Agricultural climate insurance as a tool to address climate change impacts.

The event is organized by the Office of Agricultural Economics (Thailand), Department of Agriculture (Thailand), ASEAN Climate Resilience Network, CCAFS.

View the full list of CCAFS events at COP22 in Morocco.