COP22 side event: International Agricultural Research Cooperation for Climate Change

Follow-up side event of G7 Niigata Agriculture Minister’s Meeting
Sharing knowledge and experience is a key to tackling climate change issues, in particular, in agricultural research areas. Through such activities, we can achieve faster progress as well as better understanding towards identifying the solution needed for improving agricultural productivity and reducing its contribution to climate change. Given this importance, G7 Ministers stated in the G7 Niigata Agriculture Minister’s Meeting Declaration that “We will follow these initiatives (the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA), the Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture (GACSA), 4/1000 Initiative, and FAO’s Global Soil Partnership (GSP) and others) which address climate change issues in a concerted manner, by means of organizing a G7 Follow-up side event during COP22.“ at the G7 Niigata Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting held in Niigata, Japan, on 23-24 this April.
This side event will provide an opportunity for all participants to follow the existing initiatives, in particular, GRA, GACSA, 4/1000 Initiative, and GSP in a concerted manner and will act as a “catalyst” for facilitating the development of these initiatives, further.
Objectives of this side event
The side event aims to provide participants with an opportunity:
- To share the information of updated activities of initiatives such as GRA, GACSA, 4/1000 Initiative, and GSP.
- To share the G7 members’ and other participants’ current activities of agricultural research for climate change.
- Representatives of GRA, GACSA, 4/1000 Initiative, GSP and other initiatives
- G7 members
- Government officials of other interested countries attending COP22
- FAO, OECD, CGIAR, IPCC and other international organizations associated with tackling climate change issues
- Others
14:00: Opening remarks by the Chair
14:10: Presentation from initiatives and Q&A session
- GRA, GACSA, 4/1000 initiative, GSP
15:40: Information sharing and exchange of views
- G7 countries and other invited countries, FAO, OECD, CGIAR, IPCC etc.
- Presentation by Sonja Vermeulen, Head of Research at CCAFS
17:10: Summary and concluding remarks by the Chair
The event is organized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), Japan.
View the full list of CCAFS events at COP22 in Morocco.