COP22 side event: Investment opportunities for scaling up climate-smart agriculture

Climate change poses critical challenges to efforts to attain global food security. Its impacts on agriculture and food security across the globe have been documented.
Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) has been identified as an approach to provide solutions to the climate challenge. Successful implementation of CSA should be knowledge-driven and requires innovative approaches. The current global climate finance landscape shows that agriculture is generally underfunded. Furthermore, only a small portion of the agricultural finance trickles into CSA funding. If CSA is to produce the expected climate solution to food security it must be implemented at scale and this requires substantial investments. This calls for innovative approaches to resource mobilisation for scaling up CSA. This side event aims at exploring some opportunities for innovations in investment on CSA. The side event will bring together leading experts from various sectors including international organizations, financial institutions as well as government and research to discuss investment opportunities for CSA in the future, building on lessons learned from current success stories.
The moderator will be asking specific questions to the panellists. The event is planned as an interactive session, so the same questions will be posed to the participants in order to let the audience communicate freely from the very beginning.
- Michael Hailu, Director, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA)
- Swan Senesi, Ministry for the Environment Land and Sea, Italy
- James Kinyangi, Chief Climate Change & Policy Officer, African Development Bank
- FARMER’S VOICE – World Farmers Organization
- Sonja Vermeulen – Head of Research, CCAFS
The side event is organized by the Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture.