
The current investment in agricultural innovation in the Global South | Webinar 1

Building evidence for transforming agricultural innovation systems under climate change

The first in a series of webinars to set a path for transformation in agricultural innovation systems, in the lead up to COP26. 


How far is the global picture of innovation today from where we need to be?

This webinar will provide an insight into the global baseline for investment, categorized by types of funder, implementer, and topic, and estimate how much of this funding currently aims to promote the multiple economic, environmental, and social objectives of sustainable agricultural intensification (SAI).

The webinar will also highlight the global estimates for funding over the past 10 years in research and innovation for agricultural systems in the Global South, as well as more detailed estimates for the patterns of innovation funding in specific contexts and environments, which will be discussed.

The webinar will:

  • review the recent flows of global public and private investment in agricultural innovation relevant to the Global South;
  • showcase the various types of investments made; and
  • estimate how much of this investment actually promotes sustainable agriculture intensification.

The subsequent panel discussion will enable a build from the current baseline to discuss future funding changes, including innovative instruments and approaches that deliver innovation at scale in a variety of different agriculture system contexts: large-scale farming, smallholder farming systems, and peri-urban systems. The panel will also go on to discuss where future priorities should lie to enable the transformation of global food systems.






Opening of the evidence review webinar series Vijay Rangarajan, Director General, Americas and Overseas Territories, UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
14:05Welcome by Chair

Ruben Echeverria, Chair, Commission on Sustainable Agriculture Intensification (CoSAI)


Presentation on the evidence review and results:

What does the world currently spend on agricultural innovation in the Global South, and how much of this promotes sustainable agriculture intensification?

Nirat Bhatnagar, Partner, Dalberg


Panel reacting to evidence review


Ruben Echeverria, Chair, Commission on Sustainable Agriculture Intensification (CoSAI)


Vara Prasad, Director, SAI Innovation Lab

Mauricio Lopes, Senior Researcher, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa Agroenergia)

Uduak Edem Igbeka, Country Support Manager, Scaling Up Nutrition Business Network (SBN) 

14:50Reflection from key stakeholders and Live Q&A


Sara Mbago-Bhunu, Director, East and Southern Africa Division, International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD)

14:55ClosingRuben Echeverria, Chair, Commission on Sustainable Agriculture Intensification (CoSAI) 


  • Commission on Sustainable Agriculture Intensification (CoSAI)
