
Linking Public Goods with Private Interests to Scale Up Agricultural Innovations and Impact

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Photo: N. Palmer (CIAT)

The Netherlands government shares experience and expertise in private-public partnerships with CGIAR. 




This workshop is co-organised by the Netherlands Ministries of Foreign and Economic Affairs, CGIAR Consortium, World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF), The Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDHand the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV).

Objectives of the workshop

The workshop is designed to enable the private sector and its partners and CGIAR research leaders to engage more meaningfully through:

  • Sharing best practices from companies and researchers that inspire and create insight;

  • Identifying what the CGIAR needs to bring research and value chain actors more often, more effective and more efficiently, leading to clarity on follow-up;

  • Creating a shared understanding around role, position and opportunities for researchers and private sector in public-private sector research partnerships (When do you engage?, What’s in it for me?, What do you miss if you don’t?);

  • Clarifying how to shape such partnerships and what it means for development of the new research programs;

  • Creating a model for future exchange of best practices. 


To register as a workshop participant and for any queries, contact

See the official programme (PDF).