
This is a preparatory meeting on clarifying Climate-Smart Agriculture and setting the agenda for the priority adaptation and mitigation actions for agriculture and linkages to other sectors. It builds onto the Kenya National Adaptation Planning meeting  that will take place on the 16th and 17th September 2013.

On 26th July 2013, the Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (MEWNR) and the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) East Africa, held a Roundtable on taking forward Agricultural Priority Actions in the National Climate Change Action Plan 2013-2017. The meeting was attended by stakeholders from Government, research institutions, CSOs, farmer organizations and private sector. Focusing on the agriculture, livestock and fisheries sectors, participants discussed the key thematic areas for partnership and collaboration.

The key outcome of the meeting was the agreement to hold a National Adaptation Planning event for Agriculture on 16th – 17th September 2013. Towards this end, the meeting agreed to create thematic working groups which would focus on identifying mechanisms for supporting the implementation of Agricultural components of the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) and define a national vision for Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA).

The proposed thematic groups are: i) Climate Smart Agriculture, ii) Finance and Investments, iii) Knowledge and Capacity building and iv) Policies and Legal Frameworks. It was agreed that support by National Agricultural Institutes, Regional Centers of Excellence and International Agricultural Research Centers would be offered across the groups. Prior to the September meeting, it was agreed to have a preparation meeting on clarifying Climate Smart Agriculture and setting the agenda for the priority adaptation and mitigation actions for agriculture and linkages to other sectors. Organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MALF), the preparatory meeting will also be a platform for establishing and launching the work of the thematic groups.