Reducing Climate Risks in Latin American Agricultural Sector: A Tool to Prioritize Climate Smart Agriculture Interventions

Recording of the session
The Climate-smart Agriculture Prioritization Framework (CSA-PF) is a methodology, developed by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) that aims to support agricultural practitioners across scales in order to select strategic investments considering climate challenges and opportunities. The methodology allows prioritizing (considering costs as well as benefits and co-benefits) the best CSA portfolios that can contribute to increase production of food and enhance resilience while reducing GHG emissions where possible.
Ana María Loboguerrero, CCAFS Regional Program Leader for Latin America, will present some cases where the CSA-PF has been implemented jointly with key partners in different countries at various scales. These cases evidence how the CSA-PF has been able to support governments and organizations from local to national levels to manage agro-climatic risks considering a variety of contexts and challenges. The CSA-PF is very flexible to implement, it is adaptable and also provides a holistic view including an environmental, social and economic vision that can support and inform investment decisions in order to reduce negative climate impacts more efficiently.