Senegal - Colombia Exchange visit

Managing the variability of the climate while assuring and increasing agricultural productivity is a challenge that farmers around the world share, and building on the successful research initiatives been carried out by CCAFS and its partners in the West Africa and Latin America to help overcoming them.
A first South-South exchange visit from Colombia/Honduras to Senegal was designed and carried out in September 2013. Its main objective was to generate mutual learning on adaptation processes in the agricultural sector and thus face the risks generated by climatic phenomena through new ideas and collaborations.
This exchange visit brought a Latin American delegation (composed of researchers from CIAT and CCAFS, meteorology experts, employees of the meteorological Institute from Colombia, directors of the national rice and cereals farmers associations, and a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture of Honduras) to Dakar and Kaffrine.
It allowed them to witness the high quality work carried out there and meet with their Senegalese pairs and the alliance of key stakeholders[1] involved in the success of Kaffrine’s project on “Innovative participatory approaches to bring seasonal climate forecast to farmers for better agricultural management.
Building up on this successful experience and in the frame of their 2014 activities, the CCAFS Latin America and West Africa regional programs together with the CCAFS Adaptation research Theme are very pleased to welcome the visit of a Senegalese to Colombia from the 12th to the 16th May.
The delegation will include representatives from diverse National to local level institutions such as:
- The National Assembly
- The Parliament of Senegal
- The Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE),
- The Ministry of Agriculture and national extension service,
- Projet d'Appui aux filières Agricoles- PAFA (Agricultural Support Project),
- National Agricultural Research Institute (ISRA- Bureau d'analyses macro-économiques)
- Kaffrine’s Prefecture,
- The national meteorological agency (Agence Nationale de l’Aviation Civile et de la Météorologie (ANACIM),
- National Syndicate of farmers and fishermen from Sénégal - DIAPANDO,
- Groundnut seeds producers’ cooperative, and Farmers representatives
This visit will provide to both Colombian institutions involved in the CIAT-MADR Partnership[2] and others, as well as to the Senegalese delegation, the opportunity to:
- To facilitate meeting between National and subnational level stakeholders from Colombia and Senegal involved in the development of innovative adaptation options and strategies
- Share the current challenges that each country faces in the context of climate change and its impacts on the agricultural sector and rural communities.
- Share and exchange on their successful experiences
- Broadcast the innovative actions that they are undertaking to address climate change adaptation and help the agricultural stakeholders to proactively respond to current and future climate related challenges.
- Explore further opportunities for South-South Collaboration and mutual learning to strengthen the adaptive capacity of the agricultural sector to climate variability and change.
[1] ANACIM, Ministry of Agriculture, NGOs, and farmers’ group representatives
[2] As part of the initial activities in Latin America, CCAFS and the Colombian Government, through a CIAT- Ministry of Agriculture (MARD) partnership that involves several national level institutions such as FENALCE and FEDEARROZ among others, are supporting several projects on adaptation to climate which include research on the development of seasonal climate forecasts. More info at: