Funding for climate change and sustainable agriculture

Photo: Neil Palmer (CIAT/CCAFS). A group of farmers involved in participatory rice breeding trials near Begnas Lake, Pokhara, Nepal.

Low emissions agriculture must be scaled to reduce emissions and combat climate change. Investment from both private and public investors are necessary to catalyze the change needed to transform global agriculture and food systems.

The funds listed below are public climate funds and private impact investment funds currently active. Climate funds are funding sources that programmes and organizations can apply for and receive funding to conduct climate-conscious work. Impact investment funds are private and do not distribute funds to programs but rather invest in commercial projects, companies or farmers creating a sustainable impact and offer a return for investors. These selected funds focus on sustainable low emissions development.

Climate funds

Fund NameFocusRegionSectors
Adaptation FundAdaptationAfricaAgriculture, coasts, food security, risk reduction & management, rural development & resilience,
Africa Climate Change FundAdaptation & MitigationAfricaClimate change
Amazon FundMitigation (REDD+)LAM (Brazil)Forests
BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes (ISFL)Mitigation (general & REDD+)Global (Projects in Colombia, Mexico, Zambia, and Indonesia)Agriculture, ecosystem services, forests, land use, policy & institution building, rural development & resilience
Global Environment Facility (GEF)Not specifiedGlobalClimate change, biodiversity, food security, forests, gender, LULUC
Green Climate Fund (GCF)Adaptation & Mitigation (general & REDD+)Least Developed Countries (LDC) & Small Island Developing States (SIDS)Agriculture, ecosystem services, energy, food security, forests, low-C development, policy & institution building, rural development & resilience, sustainable land management, technology transfer, transport & infrastructure, water
Livelihoods and Food Security (LIFT) FundAdaptationSoutheast AsiaFinancial inclusion, social protection,
Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF)Adaptation & ResilienceAfrica, Oceania, Southeast AsiaAgriculture, food security, health, infrastructure, risk management, vulnerable ecosystems, water
Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI)Mitigation (REDD+)Asia, LAM, Sub-saharan AfricaForests, policy & institution building
PROGREEN: The Global Partnership for Sustainable and Resilient LandscapesMitigationGlobalAgriculture, forests, degraded lands, land use, risk management
Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF)AdaptationGlobalAgriculture, energy, forests, technology transfer, transport, waste management

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Impact investment funds

Fund NameFocusRegionSectors


Global (tropical forested countries)

Agriculture, forests & peatlands, rural development & resilience
Africa Food Security FundResilienceAfricaAgriculture, agronomic services, food security, rural development & resilience
Agri-Business Capital (ABC) FundAdaptationAsia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin AmericaAgri-business, rural development, youth investment & employment
Agri3 FundAdaptation & MitigationGlobalAgriculture, forests, rural livelihoods
Althelia fundsMitigationGlobalClimate change, biodiversity, forests, rural development
Conservation internationalNot specifiedOceania, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin AmericaClimate change, food security, forests, livelihoods, oceans, water
Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD)Adaptation & MitigationGlobalFood security, forests, land restoration & conservation, water FundAdaptation & MitigationCaribbean, Latin America, Sub-Saharan AfricaAgriculture, agribusiness, ecotourism, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, rural development
Ecoenterprises FundNot specifiedLatin America, North America, EuropeAgriculture, agroforestry, aquaculture, ecotourism, rural development, certified forestry, and wild-harvested products
ERSTE WWF Stock EnvironmentAdaptation & MitigationGlobalForests, energy, transportation, waste management, water
IFC forests bondMitigationGlobalForests
Mirova fundsNot specifiedGlobalSocial inclusion, sustainability
Soil & Water Outcomes FundNot specifiedNorth AmericaAgriculture, soil, water
Sustainable India Finance Facility (SIFF)Adaptation & MitigationSouth Asia (India)Agriculture, energy, forests, land use, restoration
Sustainable Irish Forestry Fund (SIFF)MitigationEurope (Ireland)Forests
Terra Bella Colombia FundMitigationLatin America (Columbia)Agriculture, forests
The Moringa FundAdaptation & MitigationLatin America & Southeast AsiaAgroforestry
Tropical Landscapes Finance Facility (TLFF)Adaptation & MitigationSoutheast Asia (Indonesia)Agriculture, aquaculture, forests, land restoration, social & community development

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CCAFS works with multiple partners on investment, economic analyses and business cases.