GHG mitigation in rice: From evidence-based concepts to adoption at scale

Project description
This project focuses on options for enhancing the uptake of low emissions development technologies and practices in rice through new technical innovations, including, besides alternate wetting and drying, low-emissions straw management to avoid burning, limiting straw incorporation, efficiency gains, and avoiding losses through mechanization. A standardizing measuring, reporting, and verification (MRV) prototype for rice emissions and mitigation is planned to be developed by building on existing approaches and integrating a specific calculator tool just for rice. A feasible MRV system is needed for both allowing for investments through public and private projects but also as a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) tool for nationally determined contribution (NDC) implementation.
Expected outcomes
- IRRI will co-develop two programs targeting 200,000 ha with low-emissions interventions and aims at reducing emissions in Vietnam by 300,000 t CO2-eq per year by 2025.
- Update Vietnam's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) as well es developing an implementation plan for the rice sector.
The design of the project has been informed by gender studies conducted in Vietnam by the CCAFS project 'No Regrets' which found that ED options can address needs and capacities of both men and women working in rice-based systems. This project introduces technical innovations on mitigation and corresponding economic incentives to rice farming communities to improve farming systems and livelihood opportunities, and contribute to climate mitigation.
More information
For more information, please contact project leader Bjoern Ole Sander, IRRI (
Project Deliverables
Discussion paper/Working paper/White paper
The Diverse Benefits of Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) evaluated
User manual/Technical Guide
Guide to supporting agricultural NDC implementation: Planning tools and roadmap development for GHG mitigation in rice production in Vietnam
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Gender patterns and other social factors identified that influence uptake of mitigation options
Discussion paper/Working paper/White paper
Participatory prioritization of climate-smart agriculture techniques: Case study of processes and outcomes from the Tra Hat Climate-Smart Village in Vietnam
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Potential and versatility of WEAP model (Water Evaluation and Planning System) for hydrological assessments of AWD (Alternate Wetting and Drying) in irrigated rice
User manual/Technical Guide
Training manual on water-saving rice production technologies with focus on Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) technology for paddy farmers in Bangladesh
Adapting greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring tools for the alternate wetting-and-drying (AWD) mitigation practice in Vietnam
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Adaptation, mitigation and food security: Multi-criteria ranking system for climate-smart agriculture technologies illustrated for rainfed rice in Laos
Data portal/Tool/Model code/Computer software
SECTOR: Source-selective and Emission-adjusted GHG Calculator for Cropland
Discussion paper/Working paper/White paper
Entry points for low-carbon certification options
Other Capacity
Training on Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculation
Maps/Geospatial data
Validated and refined suitability maps for AWD
Discussion paper/Working paper/White paper
Key informant analysis for climate smart agriculture practices in Tra Hat Village, Vietnam
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Reviewing Vietnam's Nationally Determined Contribution: A New Perspective Using the Marginal Cost of Abatement
Webinar: Low-emissions rice in Vietnam: Options, ambition, feasibility, and investment
Discussion paper/Working paper/White paper
An investment plan for low-emission rice production in the Mekong River Delta region in support of Vietnam's Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement
Discussion paper/Working paper/White paper
Methane Emission Factors for Rice Production in the Mekong River Delta
Policy workshop/Dialogue report
Policy dialogue titled “Large scale Implementation of the Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) Technology”
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Introducing a new tool for GHG calculation for cropland: SECTOR
Book chapter
Rice Straw Management Effects on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Mitigation Options
Policy workshop/Dialogue report
Scaling Climate-Smart Agriculture in Bangladesh: Practices, Policies and Institutions
Data portal/Tool/Model code/Computer software
Functional link to an information platform consisting of guidelines how to use the tool for project planning and scenario development.
User manual/Technical Guide
Training materials on climate-smart rice production by National Agricultural Extension Center
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Potential of Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation Practices for the Mitigation of GHG Emissions from Rice Fields: Two Cases in Central Luzon (Philippines).
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Effects of water management on greenhouse gas emissions from farmers' rice fields in Bangladesh.
Concept note
Transformative rice crop management packages with high mitigation benefits
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and grain arsenic and lead levels without compromising yield in organically produced rice.
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Climate-Based Suitability Assessment for Methane Mitigation by Water Saving Technology in Paddy Fields of the Central Plain of Thailand.
User manual/Technical Guide
Targeted capacity building for provincial decision makers
Data portal/Tool/Model code/Computer software
Toolbox for tools, guidelines, and templates for monitoring, reporting, and verification of GHG calculation in rice
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Methane Emission Factors from Vietnamese Rice Production: Pooling Data of 36 Field Sites for Meta-Analysis.
Establishment of NAMA Information page
Discussion paper/Working paper/White paper
Participatory development of scaling plan as a part of low emission roadmap in rice production of Mekong River Delta.
Lecture/Training Course Material
Training materials for decision makers in assessing mitigation options in rice production in Vietnam
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Assessment of technical innovations for accelerating LED
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
Trans-Disciplinary Responses to Climate Change: Lessons from Rice-Based Systems in Asia
Journal Article (peer reviewed)
When climate change is not psychologically distant – Factors influencing the acceptance of sustainable farming practices in the Mekong river Delta of Vietnam.
- Cuu Long Delta Rice Research Institute (CLRRI)
- Institute for Agricultural Environment
- Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development (IPSARD)
- International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Vietnam) (MARD)
- National Agricultural Extension Center (NAEC)