
Climate services coupled with relevant advisory services offer great potential to inform decision-making in the face of increasing uncertainty. Register here to participate

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Farming and pastoralist communities have survived by mastering the ability to adapt to widely varying weather and climatic conditions. Increasingly variable climate and the rapid pace of other drivers of change are, however, overwhelming local knowledge and traditional practices for coping with climate related risks. It is increasingly becoming evident that climate services—climate and weather information and advisories—can help farmers and pastoralists better manage risks and adapt to the changing climate.

This webinar will create an opportunity for scientists, technical experts and other stakeholders to discuss provision of tailored weather and climate information that meets the needs of smallholder farmers and pastoralists in Africa. Successful experiences from different parts of Africa will serve as models for how different organisations can work together to design and implement comprehensive climate services for agriculture and food security.

Specifically, the webinar will:

  • Share lessons and experiences of how climate and weather information and advisory services, including traditional knowledge can be used to improve the lives of smallholder farmers and pastoralists.
  • Discuss tools and methods that can be used to enhance the understanding of climate information services and build resilience for taking decisions in situations of uncertainty.
  • Identify critical gaps in the design, delivery and effective use of climate-related information for risk management and food security contingency planning.


Confirmed speakers

Jim Hansen

International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI)

Setting the scene: A global perspective on climate services

Desire Kagabo

International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

Rwanda Climate Services for Agriculture Project Highlights

Tufa Dinku

International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI)

Enhancing National Access to Climate Services (ENACTS): Emerging Lessons and experiences from Africa

Ayal Desalegn

Addis Ababa University

Good Practices and Challenges on Borana Indigenous Weather Forecasting Services

Ousmane Ndiaye

Senegal National Meteorological Agency (ANACIM)

Experiences from West Africa

Maren RadenyCCAFS East AfricaModerator


Feedback and questions can be sent to ccafsea@cgiar.org