Awareness creation workshop for members of parliament on gender mainstreaming in climate change adaptation

An awareness creation workshop on gender mainstreaming in climate change adaptation will take place on 4-5 September.
Climate change in Tanzania, as in other African countires, has been projected to intensify, as evidenced by the increased frequency and magnitute of extreme weather events like droughts, floods, and cyclones. These events have adverse impacts on livelihoods and key economic sectors, especially agriculture. Climate change will also affect women and men differently, with women and youth especially vulnerable due to social norms. The adoption of climate smart agriculture is of paramount imporance to mitigating these adverse impacts, particularly for vulnerable populations.
The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, under the leadership of the Vice President's Office (VPO), has endeavored to put in place climate change policies and strategies to enable the country and her people to adapt and build climate resilience. Additionally, the government has made every effort to ensure gender and youth issue are addressed. Policy coherence, to ensure gender mainstreaming in climate change policies, actions, and development and secoral planning and budgeting, remain a challenge.
In recognition of the role played by the Honourable Members of Parliament and Councilors in policy formulation, budgeting, and oversight, it is imperative to raise awareness on intricacies surrounding gender mainstreaming in climate change adaptation and associated climate change initiatives, especially in the agricultural sector. With the support of several partner organizations, the Tanzania Climate Smart Agriculture Alliance (TCSAA) will convene an awareness creation workshop for gender mainstreaming in climate change adaptation for members of the Tanzanian Parliament and Counciloirs.
Event partners include:
- Tanzania Women Parliamentary Group
- CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
- International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) URT/USDA project on Building Capacity for Resilient Food Security
- Agriculture Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF)