
Based in Hanoi, Vietnam from 16 - 22 April 2012, the Community based adaptation to climate change conference includes three days of field visits to projects to see how communities living in different ecosystems have adapted to climate change, and three and a half days of interactive discussions on different thematic areas in Hanoi.

Based in Hanoi, Vietnam from 16 - 22 April 2012, the Community based adaptation to climate change conference includes three days of field visits to projects to see how communities living in different ecosystems have adapted to climate change, and three and a half days of interactive discussions on different thematic areas in Hanoi.

The conference includes:

  • Three days of field visits to projects to see how communities living in different ecosystems have adapted to climate change,
  • Three and a half days of interactive discussions on different thematic areas in Hanoi.

Aims and objectives

The conference aims to:

  • Bring together stakeholders and practitioners to share and discuss knowledge of community-based adaptation (CBA) planning and practices from different parts of the developing world, particularly from Vietnam,
  • Capture the latest learning and good practices in CBA from developing countries
  • Integrate lessons learned into national and international development programmes in order to ultimately enhance the capacity and improve the livelihoods for some of the most vulnerable groups in developing countries,
  • Disseminate lessons learned at the Conference through daily communications, proceedings and an immediate conference summary.

Field trips: 16-18 April

Participants will visit a number of project sites across northern, southern, and central regions of the country that deal with issues such as storms, flooding, saltwater intrusion, sea level rise and drought.

Communicating about community-based adaptation: 19 -22 April 2012

Communicating about how communities are adapting to climate change will be the conference's key theme. The conference will be held at the Melia road Hotel in Hanoi. Each day will consist of a plenary session and a number of parallel, interactive discussions relating to the following suggested thematic areas:

  • Communicating about climate change at global, regional, national, and local levels
  • Scaling up Community-based adaptation
  • Water resources
  • Biodiversity and forests
  • Urban areas
  • Coastal zones, drylands, drought prone areas, mountainous areas and floodplains
  • Food and agriculture
  • Human health
  • Disaster risk reduction/management
  • Gender, equality and integration
  • Vulnerable communities (including indigenous people)
  • Monitoring, evaluation and tools
  • Economics
  • Climate change and adaptation: information, knowledge, education and awareness.


Funding for participants from developing countries is available for those whose abstracts are submitted on time and are selected for presentation. Abstracts should indicate which theme they will cover, be no longer than 200 words, indicate the full contact details of the author and state whether funding will be required.

For more information regarding the conference and possible registration, click here for the flyer (PDF) or visit the conference homepage

The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) will be widely represented at the event. Here are some of the speakers that will present CCAFS related research work:

Dr Moushumi Chaudhury, Science Officer at CCAFS based at ICRAF - confirmed speaker on gender and climate change;

Dr Arame Tall, speaker on how communities use climate forecasts;

Mr Maxwell Mkondiwa, speaker on indigenous and youth knowledge in climate change adaptation;

Mr Abrar Chaudhury, University of Oxford, speaker on social returns to investment in community adaptation projects;

Ms Caitlin Corner-Dolloff, CCAFS/CIAT, co-speaker with Abrar Chaudhury;

Mr Manyewu Mutamba, from SACAU, Zimbabwe/South Africa.