
Climate Bonds' has opened public consultation on the proposed agriculture criteria. These criteria will provide guidance for green investment in sustainable agricultural activities. Like other sector criteria under the Climate Bonds Standard, the goal of the agriculture criteria is to establish a science-based and verifiable screening process for both issuers and investors to assess the climate and environmental benefits of agriculture investments. The ultimate objective is to catalyze action to increase public and private investment in agriculture-based climate mitigation, adaptation and resilience interventions.


As part of the public consultation, the Climate Bond Initiative (CBI) Standards team and the Lead Technical Consultant for the agriculture criteria and Lini Wollenberg, CCAFS' Flagship Leader for Low Emissions Development, will host two webinars during the public comment period. The webinars are a chance for the public to get an overview of the criteria and to ask any questions that they may have.

The webinars will take place on Tuesday, March 10 :

 Date & TimeRegistration
Webinar 111:15-12:15 GMTRegister here
Webinar 223:00-00:00 GMTRegister here

Criteria Resources

Further information, the criteria document and the background paper are available on the CBI's Agriculture Page. Composition of the Agriculture Technical Working Group (TWG), integral to the development of the criteria, is also listed on the Agriculture Page. Feedback can be submitted directly via this page.