Ciniro Costa Junior
Ciniro Costa Junior received a doctoral degree in Sciences from the University of São Paulo (Brazil/2014) and worked as Research Scholar at the University of New Hampshire (USA/2013) and as Postdoc Fellow at The Woods Hole Research Center (USA/2014-2015).
He is currently Science Officer of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and Project Coordinator at IMAFLORA, a socio-environmental Brazilian NGO, with expertise on mitigation solutions for the agricultural sector, managing large GHG emissions and soil C stocks databases and providing analysis of feasibility for carbon markets and public policies.
Among others, he is a Team Member of the SEEG project, Roster of Experts of UNEP-Climate and Clean Air Coalition, a MIT Climate CoLab Impact Assessment Fellow, and Member of the Brazilian Government Committee responsible for setting up a monitoring system for tracking the progress of low carbon agriculture in Brazil.