Coupling scientific methodologies and design thinking tools in a hybrid approach

Design thinking initiatives are open-ended and unpredictable: a challenge for AR4D institutions. A project team of the Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT (ABC) experimented with a hybrid approach, featuring both scientific methodologies and design thinking tools. This Info Note tackles the main lessons learnt from this initiative, such as:
• Sequence is key, and large-scale surveys might be wasted is applied too early in the iterative process;
• Budget and time need to be invested in staff/ design team training and continuous engagement;
• Reflection and communication formats need to be adapted and recognized by all team members; and
• Good practice is to embed design thinking initiatives in larger programs that can continue the process.
Koerner J, Santos J, Grosjean G. 2021. Coupling scientific methodologies and design thinking tools in a hybrid approach. CCAFS Info Note. Wageningen, Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).