Low emission development strategies across scales

Project description
This project modeled future land use change and associated changes in carbon stock and greenhouse gas emissions at multiple scales. It planned to national targets with sub-national or sectoral objectives and use the models to develop guidelines and action plans to achieve sustainable mitigation plans, with a focus on those that benefit rural livelihoods.
The objective of this project was to support national institutions to develop mitigation plans utilizing the information and negotiation outcomes identified by this research. The project focused on ongoing national and sub-national processes targeting emissions reduction across sectors in Colombia and Peru. By informing ongoing international, national and sub-national processes targeting emissions reductions across agriculture, forest management and conservation sectors, the project aimed to enable the identification of achievable mitigation targets and the implementation of mitigation plans in Colombia and Peru. Specifically, this project hoped to support the development of at least 4 low emissions plans that would have significant mitigation potential by 2025. The project was implemented in 2015 but was ended due to changes in budget.
- Wollenberg E, Zurek M, De Pinto A. 2015. Climate readiness indicators for agriculture. CCAFS Info Note. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
- De Pinto A, Li M, Haruna A, Hyman GG, Londoño MA, Creamer B, Kwon H, Valencia JB, Tapasco J, Martinez JD. 2016. Low emission development strategies in agriculture. An agriculture, forestry, and other land uses (AFOLU) perspective. World Development 87:180-203.
This project was implemented by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), in coordination with CCAFS. IFPRI engaged ministries, producers' associations and other groups responsible for the development and implementation of low emissions development initiatives. In both Colombia and Pery, the project worked with the United States Agency for International Development program Enhancing capacity for low emission development strategies (USAID EC-LEDS). In Colombia, the project collaborated with the Colombian Low Carbon Development Strategy, a livestock Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Activity (NAMA) and local land use plans in Cauca Department. In Peru, the project worked with the Ministry of Agriculture, in particular with its efforts to develop an agricultural NAMA, and the National Strategy for Climate Change and Forests.
Further information
For further information please contact project leader Alex de Pinto at a.depinto@cgiar.org.